Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Thankful Reflection

1 Thessalonians 1:2 We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.

Thinking of my Harvey Dunn family on this one today. This verse is the truth of how I feel about such an amazing group of people, for the staff to the students to the families.  I have been beyond blessed to be a part of such an amazing place this year.  It is soon to come to an end, but the impact on my heart is eternal. So to talk more about this verse and how it applies in all of life and not just at this specific moment.  God truly places you in particular spaces at particular times for particular reasons.  I have grown immensely this year, facing lifelong fears and watching God overcome them in me.  I have been refined in ways I could not have imagined at the start of the school year. Had I known at the start what God was going to do with this year, I would have never entered into it. That is the beauty of the Sovereign Father.  His omniscience and providence are what makes our lives be the absolute best possible.  I am so thankful for all of the days I'm given, even the hard ones, as they are what draw me nearer and grow me deeper to my Lord. I thank God for this school year and the blessings I have gained, in the heartache and in the laughter.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Worry Free

Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

I love this verse!  It is the reminder for me when I am tempted to take over my own sanctification, when I attempt to try to make myself be better instead of letting the Spirit do the job.  I fall short so often and notice myself stepping into old habits and old ways.  I feel awful and want to attempt to fix myself with positive thoughts or controlling my actions.  The truth is, I will only be able to have positive thoughts and control my actions for so long.  Eventually, I will be right back in the same place because my heart will not have changed, just my thoughts and actions. In order to change the heart, we need the Spirit of God to overtake us and transform our hearts. In this verse Paul reminds us that if we attempt to follow one of the "laws", we may as well adopt them all and start taking care of our own salvation, as Christ died for nothing. But if we hold firm to the death of Christ and we fix our eyes on the resurrected Jesus, we have no need to attempt to follow laws and change our thoughts and actions, because the Spirit will do this for us.  Freedom in Christ is beautiful and worry free!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Seeking God

Some days I just can't settle on a single verse and today is one of those days.  I have been all over the Bible, Old and New Testaments.  Nothing particular is standing out. It's all good, don't get me wrong, it's just that I feel dry today.  Everything from God answering the prayer of Samuel's mom to give her a son to the nonbelievers in the New Testament.  I do not feel "dry" in my day.  It is a great day.  I think it's more that God invites me at times to look at the world around me and see His movement.  Seeking God happens in more ways than Bible reading or church going.  Seeking God is finding Him in the everyday occurrences that seem mundane but have His imprint. We have to be willing to admit that He is present, even in the crummy moments, and seek Him in all things. That's my job today, to seek God in the moments of my life, rather than in the scriptures...this time.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Seems Too Easy

Romans 9:16 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.

I often need to be reminded that all of my abilities and will power are for naught when it comes to salvation and being a child of God. I will try to stop my negative thoughts or keep my mouth shut at certain moments, but realize that the fact that I even had the thought in the first place or wanted to say something out loud is the sin condition that cripples me spiritually.  I cannot stop my thoughts or force them to be positive.  I cannot always control my mouth.  Things just come flying out of there sometimes.  These are the times when I am painfully aware of my own shortcomings and my desperate need for a Savior.  But there is so much more to the Savior than just having my sins forgiven.  His resurrection means I can be transformed here, on Earth, and have a little piece of heaven while I walk on the planet.  His Spirit was sent to change my heart, which changes my thoughts, which controls my mouth, among many other things. (Thoughts and words are just in my fore thought.)  And none of what I want or try can make those deep heart changes.  In God's mercy, He forgives me of my wrongs and changes my heart condition; He makes me His child.  All I have to do is let Him.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Humbling and Life Giving

James 4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Humbling myself before God is something I'm currently working on.  I am trying to lay my desires and plans aside and give God the control. All of my life I have prayed and spent time in the Word to discern where God has led. I believe God has been very clear and given me a strong pathway to follow.  But I still got in the way, I'm discovering. I was still making my plans and then including God.  Now I am being forced to include God and then make my plans.  It is a massive faith builder.  God knows what His plans for me are going to be, but He is holding them just out of my reach. It has been fun in one way and completely frustrating in another.  This is the humility God is giving me.  I am learning to go to Him first, seek Him first, and then He will put everything else into place.  I am seeking with all I have, even when it's frustrating and difficult, but He is being faithful. Living in resurrection with expectancy, and absolutely no expectations of what is coming.  It is humbling and life giving all at the same time.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Inside Out

Hebrews 8:10 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

This is one of my favorite verses, although I must admit I have many.  The new covenant in Jesus, laws in the mind and written on the heart.  Meaning, we have been given the mind of Christ and the heart of Christ through his death and resurrection. This verse makes transformational grace a reality. The laws of God are no longer written in harsh cold stone; they are written on our malleable hearts. We get to be transformed from the inside out by the Spirit's power and work.  With the new covenant, we are not bound by the law which was given because of our sin. No, we are set free from our sin, and the law, through forgiveness on the cross.  And more than that, we have the imprint of Jesus on our hearts through the Holy Spirit. We are living life with the power that raised Jesus from the dead in us. We are living in resurrection, free from the law, detangled from sin, and raised as a new creation. We are God's people made in His image with Jesus' imprint on our hearts. Nothing will change that!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

As someone who is without a plan right now, this verse makes me smile. I typically have everything planned out completely, not leaving a detail out, but at this time I am completely without. Prior to this point in life, I did have a particular plan that I was attempting to accomplish, but I believe the Lord has a very different plan ahead. I'd like to think I am always aware of where God is moving in my life and how He is leading me, but sometimes I am blindsided.  I find myself standing there just shaking my head in a "what in the world just happened" kind of a way. How does this happen?  I spend time in prayer. I ask advice of the wise. I seek God in most circumstances. And yet, I find myself dumbfounded by His moves at times. These times are when I just have to smile. I recognize that God is at work and accomplishing big things in spite of me. It's easier if I just let Him do His thing, but I find it so hard to relinquish that control.  He just takes control at times and gets me back on track, which I'm grateful for the fact that He loves me enough to do that. He doesn't get mad, He just prevails.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Completely Inadequate

1 Corinthians 12:11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.

Ah, the Spiritual gifts. So much can be said about them. Really today my focus is on the "just as he determines" part. The Spirit is in charge of my gifts and how they impact others for the Kingdom. Each time I try to identify my Spiritual gifts, a few of them are dependent upon what I am doing in life.  However, there are a few that seem to always be present. The key for me is to remember that God is in charge. He knows what I need and when I need it.  He knows what gifts will bring glory to Him and he anoints me with such gifts at the right moment.  I find the Spiritual gift inventories fascinating, but I don't ever want to lean solely on them thinking it would be the only way in which God could use me.  We get a bit wrapped up in those Spiritual gift things at times, trying to plan our lives to fit those gifts, when really, God gives us the gifts we need at the time we need them.  It's not "I've given you this gift, now go use it." No, it's, "Lord, you are calling me to do this and I'm completely inadequate." Then He determines our need and the Spirit moves accordingly.

Friday, May 19, 2017

It's a Process

Luke 12:34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

This is one of those verses that sounds so sweet and nice, but has quite the depth of meaning when you consider it. I, of course, have to stop and think about where my treasure is. What have I put all of my efforts into? This becomes a time of reflection of investment of self.  To me it becomes a matter of 'the chicken or the egg'.  Do we treasure the wrong things because of our heart condition? Or, do we treasure the wrong things, which causes our heart condition. It's both. We are called to treasure Jesus and seek him above all things and in all things, to cast our worries on him.  If we seek Him, our hearts will be drawn to Him. The transformational grace we experience through the Holy Spirit when we are living in Jesus molds our hearts and we begin to treasure Him more. If your treasure is in Jesus, your heart will be transformed. Your life's journey becomes the cycle of being sanctified, seeking Jesus and being transformed, seeking Jesus and being transformed, and so on, little by little becoming who God created you to be.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Peace and Hope In the Midst of Upheaval

2 Timothy 2:1 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

This one statement is something I needed to move forward this week.  I have been a little stuck lately and feeling numb in regards to God's movement. I know God is moving and working on my behalf, but this week I have felt almost apathetic about it. It has been a long journey and the heaviness of the situation has gotten the better of me this week.  I am in need of the specific grace of Jesus.  The beauty of grace is that it is exactly what we need at exactly the right time.  You don't get it before you need it, and you don't get it after you need it.  Each time I experience God's grace it is a very different feeling.  During Mom's sickness it was power and glory all wrapped into one. With my job it is compassion and mercy with a strong pull to justice.  In relationships it is particular to the person in need. Each specific grace is only present in the moments it is needed.  I am experiencing an all new one now.  I have inner peace and great hope in the midst of complete upheaval.  Being strong in the grace in Christ is not Paul's way of saying, "buck up camper", no, "being strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus" is about seeking Him in any and all situations in order to live through Him.  My strength has been renewed with this verse.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

All Good

Daniel 4:37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.

"Everything he does is right and all his ways are just." This is my potent section of scripture today. I'm feeling a little beaten down. At times the brokenness of humanity is more than I can fathom. There is so much that seems unfair, awful, sad, horrible, or just plain bad. Nebuchadnezzar speaks the truth here that we must grasp with all of our might in our moments of pain, sadness, and sorrow...everything God does is right because He is ALL good.  There is nothing evil in God. He always acts out of love. At times things that are happening may seem wrong to us, but we have to look on those situations with Kingdom eyes. We must seek the wisdom of the Father and rely on the Holy Spirit to carry us when we don't understand. The second truth from Nebuchadnezzar is that God's ways are just. I have to remember to let God do His job. God will come to the aid of His people. He has done it over and over again. He is faithful and good. Sometimes I just need the reminder.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Scary But Awe-Inspiring

Acts 2:17 In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

The pouring out of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost must have been something.  I'm guessing it was a little scary and quite awe-inspiring.  I feel like that's kind of how it is now when you feel the Spirit come on you, a little scary but quite awe-inspiring.  Each day I look for the Spirit to see where He is at work in my daily living.  I find Him everyday. I have been looking for Him and have had the opportunities to have everyone from my great grandparents, grandparents, parents, and a sibling to show me how to see Him. It is so important that we take the time to talk through our encounters with the Holy Spirit with those we love.  We can help build the faith of others as we have our own faith built.  There is so much to be seen and heard from God, but I think we are so busy we miss it, or we just aren't even looking for it so it passes us by.  It's a challenge for me to see God, even when things seem to be completely messed up.  He is there. He is working. He's got it when we don't. Heck, He's even got it when we think we've got it.  We just have to seek Him and we will see Him.

Monday, May 15, 2017

My Own Gain

Zechariah 7:4-6 Then the word of the Lord Almighty came to me: "Ask all the people of the land and the priests, 'When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past seventy years, was it really for me that you fasted? And when you were eating and drinking, were you not just feasting for yourselves?'"

Boy, this hit me right between the eyes today. I have to ponder this for a while. How often do I do things in proclamation of the Lord, but in all reality I am doing it for my own gain? I would like to say it's not that often, but I think I might be embarrassed at was I actually find when I think on it. This is something to consider, for sure. When I am doing something out of duty, I'm probably losing the truth in the action. When I teach Sunday School because I feel like I should, what is really at the heart of that action?  When I meet with a friend because it's the right thing to do, am I really there with the heart of Jesus? When I don't get angry with the waiter because I know it wouldn't look good, what does that say about my heart?  All of the things we say and do are connected to our heart.  Our heart must be connected to Jesus in order to meet the standard he set, if you've hated your brother then you've committed murder. Whoa, that thought stops me.  I have a lot for God to work on in my heart. I'm very thankful for the transformational grace that I'm in need of hourly. Why do you do what you do?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

No More Saturdays

I'm not going to post on Saturdays.  I'm finding the weekend break is a necessity for me. You could use them to catch up on the week, if you'd like. 😉

Friday, May 12, 2017

Psalm 70

Today I was led to the words of David in Psalm 70.  I'm walking through the grieving process and these words were a comfort to my spirit today.  I will let them speak to you, rather than me typing to you today.

Hasten, O God, to save me;
O Lord, come quickly to help me.
May those who seek my life
be put to shame and confusion;
may all who desire my ruin
be turned back in disgrace.
May those who say to me, "Aha!Aha!"
turn back because of their shame.
But may all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
"Let God be exalted!"

Yet I am poor and needy;
come quickly to me, O God.
You are my help and my deliverer;
O Lord, do not delay.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Nothing Fancy, Just Grace

Galatians 2:21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!

I'm struggling to focus on God today. I have read multiple scriptures, paused my mind, and prayed, but none of these have helped. This verse is one of very few I have underlined in my Bible, and I came across it today.  It is such a good reminder for me when I start to take back control of things I have given over to God, but haven't seemed to be met to my liking.  I begin to think I can maybe do it better or faster, particularly faster, and then I de-value the cross. Today I simply need to pray for the grace of God.  No fancy words, no fancy thoughts, no fancy me.  Just a simple prayer for the Spirit to penetrate deep into my soul and grant me the grace to relinquish control once again. Alas, the broken human I am. Thanks be to the One who has set me free from the flesh and gives me life in the Spirit!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Love In Jesus

1 John 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

Love with action and in truth. This is powerful for me to read. I read it with the "in truth" part first.  Jesus said he is the truth, therefore we could substitute his name in that spot.  Love in Jesus.  What does it look like to love in Jesus? It is no condemnation.  It takes no offense. It is others-focused. It is agape love, giving love. It is selfless. It is hopeful. It is gentle. It is compassionate. It is nonjudgemental. It is sacrifice. It is righteous. It is shame free and guilt free. Love in Jesus is freedom. Love in Jesus does not require words or tongue. Jesus showed his love for us through his actions not his words. He said very little when it really came down to it. Not much needed to be said from the cross. It is said, "actions speak louder than words".  Christ was the ultimate example of this phrase.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Good Way

Jeremiah 6:16 This is what the Lord says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.'"

I wanted to leave the last sentence off this verse, but I just couldn't. This is great advice from the Lord to ask for advice when we are standing at a decision point.  Seek wisdom from those around you who have gone before.  None of us experience something entirely unique to ourselves. Someone has always "been there, done that" ahead of us.  Seek the wisdom of those people. Pray for discernment in decision making in order that when the good way is presented to you, you are able to see it and then follow through and walk in it.  As the Word says, you will find rest there.  Unfortunately, I know I am guilty of seeking the wisdom of others, knowing which way I should go, and then I decide to not take that path.  It is so hard to step in faith, even when we have living experience from those around us.  We are creatures of habit and control. Seeking wisdom, using discernment, and walking in the good way all take a level of faith that is found only with the Holy Spirit at your side. My answer today to the Lord is, "I will walk in it, as long as you go with me." 😊

Monday, May 8, 2017

Being Rescued

Daniel 6:22 My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king.

God has been taking me to the book of Daniel often lately.  Today when I opened my Bible, and again it landed in Daniel, I actually asked God, "Why Daniel again?" And then I read it, it was the story of Daniel in the lions' den.  My word for this year is "rescue". What a fitting story and the perfect answer from God.  I'm being sent to stories in Daniel because they are all about being rescued.  God comes at the time when all seems lost and rescues His beloved.  In this story, as Daniel is put in the lions' den. Another of my favorites is the fiery furnace, when there is a fourth "person" walking around with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo.  They are rescued by God.  I am not a person to ask for help.  I like to do things on my own, and I am very capable of doing so.  God is teaching me to ask for help, to open myself up to the idea of being rescued.  I've been put in multiple situations this year where I have needed God to rescue me.  I have not been able to do anything about my own situation and have had to let God do what God does best, rescue and redeem.  I'm reminded again today to let God rescue me. 

Here are a couple of other posts from my blog about my word, rescue.  Interesting to see God at work!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Remove the Distractions

I guess I'm going to make Saturday my day for just my thoughts. Today I'm thinking about what distracts me from Jesus. I've noticed, depending on the day/time, I'm easily distracted by things, even when I'm in the middle of my time with God.  Obvious things like social media, texts, politics, social issues, my job, family, random noises, and so on.  But there are other things too that distract me that are not things that are outside influences...things from my own thoughts. I begin with one thought and then track it like a rabbit down a long hole until I realize how far I am from Jesus and my original peace I had while being with Him. And the sad thing is, these distractions never give me life.  Instead they make me frustrated, sad, depressed, and angry. I'm asking God to challenge me with noticing my own distractions so He can bring my attention back to Him.  I'm trying to give my distractions to God and ask Him how He wants me to handle those distractions. I want to be closer to Jesus and, obviously, distractions keep me from accomplishing that. What are your distractions that pull you away from Jesus. What hills do you like to stand on and shout? Are they life giving? Just a thought to ponder.

Friday, May 5, 2017

The New Creation

Mark 2:22 "And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins."

This verse made me really seek God's wisdom.  I was unsure of what Jesus was really meaning here, when this comes after the question about the Pharisees' fasting but Jesus' disciples were not.  Here is how it spoke to my heart. Before Jesus, things were done in a certain way. Laws were written and followed and sacrifices were made. Once Jesus came, he fulfilled the law and became the sacrifice. Doing things the old way doesn't work, after you become a follower of Jesus.  Paul addresses this in Romans in reference to circumcision stating that if they were going to follow one of the laws, then they might as well follow them all and get rid of Jesus altogether.  I think Jesus here is telling the people that he is showing a more excellent way, one that cannot be compared to the former things and one that will change everything. It's a fancy way of saying, "the old has gone and the new has come." Accepting Jesus means putting my ways of the past to rest and walking with Him in life, living a life of the Spirit, no longer a life of the flesh.  Attempting to put life from the past with my new life in Christ will only make life more complicated and muddy the waters of my relationship with Jesus.  I am a new creation in Christ, where still, deep, clear waters lie within.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Sobering Love

Luke 23:35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, "He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One."

This verse always hurts my heart for a couple of reasons.  The first being for the people who are making the comments about Jesus saving himself.  I am sad for them that they do not understand who Jesus is and the love it took for him to endure the journey to the cross and then the cross itself.  If Jesus saves himself, that is, if he comes down off the cross, then we would still be in the same predicament we were in before the cross.  We would still be in the sacrificial system for ourselves. Our sin would not be atoned and we would still be in need of a Savior. Jesus can't save himself and save the world at the same time. It's just not how the system works. So, sadness for those who completely missed his purpose.  The second reason this hurts my heart is for Jesus. I can't imagine loving someone so much that even in the midst of the horrible insults, the incredible pain, the lies and untruths being spoken you are able to stay on that cross and complete the calling of death, once for all.  What must it feel like to have unrequited love at that level? To love someone so deeply, to the point of dying for him/her, and not have that love even remotely be returned?  Unfathomable.  I would have been like, "Alright fine. You people are on your own then. I'm coming down and you can be responsible for your own sin. I'm done."  But Jesus, for the sinner's sake, for our sake, endured the cross and said, "It is finished." What an amazing, sobering, love.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Unsettled Post

Ezekiel 10:6 When the Lord commanded the man in linen, "Take fire from among the wheels, from among the cherubim," the man went in and stood beside a wheel.

I'm no so much going to write particularly about the verse today as I am going to write my thoughts.  There are moments in life where things seem very unfair.  Moments where things see to be against you. There are moments when you question all that you have done in what you consider faithfulness. Moments where you pause and questions your ability to discern and follow God's will. I'm having such moments. I'm questioning all that I know or believe I have done to follow God's will.  I am questioning whether or not I am where God intends me to be at this very moment and whether or not I am doing what He wants me to be doing. It's not fun.  It's scary. It's frustrating. It's unsettling. When I seek God's guidance, He is very quiet on all matters. Today I was sent to read in Ezekiel.  Not the most uplifting of chapters, however, God used His Word to remind me of His sovereignty. God is in charge and He is in control.  Yes, I have made decisions and have attempted to live out His will for my life, but ultimately He is in control. He will make my paths straight. He will make the rough patches smooth. All I'm asking Him for today is a tidbit of what is going on, a little knowledge of what's to come.  I believe in His sovereignty. I trust in His faithfulness. I live in His grace. Today I seek His mercy in my frustration. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Know Him Better

Ephesians 1:17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

Seeking wisdom is not an easy task. Trying to discern what God is saying and where He is moving can be a monumental task, in and of itself. This is the very reason we need to know him better. We must know Jesus as well as we know our best friend, so that when he moves there is no doubt it is him. The use of prayer and time is a simple way to get to know Jesus, but these are the hardest things to do.  We spend time in prayer asking God for things and telling him our troubles, which He already knows, instead of talking to Him as if He was right there in the living room with us. We spend time with Jesus by reading the Bible, going to church, being in a Bible study small group, or listening to Christian music.  These are all great things, but they don't actually build our relationship with Jesus. They build our knowledge about Him, but not the relationship.  For me, I consider how it is that I build relationships with other people to know how to build my relationship with Jesus.  For me, I spend time with people to get to know them.  That time is everything from eating together to chatting to hanging out (not even talking). This is what I am challenging myself to do with Jesus more. I'm challenging myself to spend time with Jesus like I spend time with my friends.  It's not easy, but it is necessary. Only then can I know that the wisdom I am receiving and the revelation I am given is truly from Him.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Seek Jesus

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

What a powerful statement! In this time in my life I have found this verse to be my soul's food. I have no idea what is coming next.  I don't know what is going on around me.  Things are happening to me that have no basis for understanding and are untruths. My life is in complete upheaval.  This verse has been what I have been living since January.  With so much uncertainty, all I know is Jesus is the way. When I am not sure which direction to go or what action to take, I go to Jesus. When lies seem to fill my mind and Satan is on the attack, I seek truth in Jesus.  When my life seems to be unraveling before my very eyes and nothing seems to be working out, I seek Jesus. I am still learning to seek Him more and more everyday, but what I'm finding is a peace that passes all understanding and I want that more and more. When I seek Jesus and I find myself in His presence, I crave it at every turn.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. If we seek Him we will find our way, we will be in truth, and we will have life to the full.  My life's journey has started me on a path that has led me to a place where all I can do is seek Jesus because everything else is beyond my control.  God is giving me His abundant grace to walk this journey and Jesus is with me every step of the way as the Spirit is preparing what is ahead.  Seek Jesus.