Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Unburdened Life

One of my worst fears is someone having a misperception of who I really am.  What's unfortunate is people often think because of my family I must not have anything bad happen, or that I must not struggle with anything.  The truth of the matter is, I live life too, a broken one.  My life goes along just like the rest of y'alls and I have problems that I face too.  I have struggles with self esteem, money, sadness, guilt, and so on.  My life is not perfect, nor am I.  I believe that the reason people think my life is so much simpler than everyone else's is because of how I appear to respond to these struggles.  I don't appear to respond to these struggles, which makes it look like I don't have them at all. The truth, I have spent the last 20+ years getting closer and closer to Jesus.  I have spent time with Him in relationship and have learned to turn my heart transformation over to Him.  I have watched my parents go through really terrible pain and sorrow and have seen the beauty in following Christ, even unto death.  My life is not easier because I'm a Teel.  My life is unburdened because of Jesus.  Please understand this.  It's not about me or my family, as I wrote in my blog two years ago.  It's about Jesus.

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