Monday, June 19, 2017

Keep it Personal

Mark 8:26 Jesus told him to go home, saying, "Don't go into the town."

I always find it fascinating that when Jesus would do miracles, he sometimes would tell people to keep it to themselves. This is something I need to consider.  In today's world, I feel like with social media and the ease of getting/sharing information, we share everything that is going on in our lives.  However, I know there are times where God is asking me to not share, to keep certain moments for myself.  What is the purpose in that? I believe it has to do with creating moments that are just for God and me.  They are memories and experiences that only are for Him and me to share and grow my personal relationship with Jesus and keep it a personal relationship.  I think of the moments that I have with Dalton that are just between him and me. We share special times that are not posted on Facebook or Instagram and they are relationship strength builders.  I need to be doing the same thing with Jesus.  Not everything needs sharing, and I need to listen to the Spirit when He prompts me to keep it to myself.

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