Galatians 5:14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
This is easy to do when your neighbor is kind and thinks like you. However, the moment there is a little dissension, loving your neighbor is a whole new gig. Paul follows this verse with verses about living in the Spirit and producing fruit of the Spirit. That is how you love your neighbor no matter who he/she may be or what he/she may believe. Living in the Spirit is walking with Jesus daily and surrendering all of yourself to Him. It is about letting the Spirit do the work in you to produce the fruit that only the Spirit can give. Patience on our own will eventually run out, but I know that we've all met that one person in our lives who is forever patient with everyone, that's of the Spirit. How about peace? It's easy to have peace when life is going well, but what about when the wheels come off and you find yourself out of control. Again, we all know that someone who seems to have peace in any and all situations; it's of the Spirit. Loving your neighbor only happens fully when we live in the Spirit. Surrender yourself and see what happens.
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