Thursday, June 21, 2018

God Will Speak

Psalm 12:6 And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.

I have been challenged by God to stop trying to figure things out and, instead, listen for His voice and His words as He speaks them. I have this habit/need to try to problem solve everything, whether that be to look at all that has transpired in my life and figure out what it all means, to read specific scriptures and try to make it fit my current situation, or to ask my spiritual mentors what they think and find an answer. I am an answer seeker, a sense maker, a problem solver. God shared this nugget of truth with me today. He will be clear and He will speak when there is something I need to know or do. He is working tirelessly on my behalf to bring about the best for me and for His Kingdom. All I have to do is spend time with Him, know Him, and listen for Him. He will speak when the timing is right and He will take care of all of my needs.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

An Un-tempt-ible Heart

Matthew 4:10 Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, an serve him only.'"

Do you ever feel the need to say these very words to Satan? Do you ever feel attacked or annoyed by his attempts to thwart you? I certainly do. We all have moments that we need the courage and the reminder that God is in charge. We are not, and Satan is not. Satan even has to ask permission of God. This alone should confirm who our one true Lord is. As we are tempted, we must stand firm in our Lord and remember that Jesus experienced it all too. We have someone we can turn to who understands our struggle better than we understand our own. Jesus was in the desert for 40 days without food, in great need, when Satan showed up to bring Him low. Jesus responded out of His love for us with every temptation. "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word from God." "Do not put the Lord your God to the test." "Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." He quoted scripture, the Word of God, every time. What scriptures do you lean on when Satan comes to tempt you? How do you withstand his ploys? Is Jesus your go to? As Jesus said, "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil". I ask the Lord to change my desires so that those things that once tempted me no longer have any power over me. That's what the words from the Lord's Prayer mean to me. I don't want to have to defend myself against Satan's attempts. However, I am a work in progress so I use the words of the Lord's Prayer along with others God provides in my times of need. Getting to know Jesus and becoming familiar with God's Word are great defenses against the evil one, but transformational grace is what I'm really after. A heart that is un-tempt-ible. (I don't think that's a word, but I'm gonna use it anyway. 😏)

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Romans 4:16 Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham's offspring - not only to those who are of the law by also to those who are of the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all.

I just read a devotional that talked about this very verse. It fascinated me to consider that the "promise comes by faith, so that it may be...guaranteed". Faith doesn't seem like something that guarantees anything at all. Faith is a being sure of what we hope for and believing in something unseen. This type of hope isn't like, "Oh I hope I get this job". That's a hope that is unsure and considers luck as a part of the equation. This type of hope is absolute assurance, a guarantee, of something we know, not with our minds or eyes, but with our hearts. This hope is spiritual in nature, not physical or emotional. Faith is the guarantor. Example, our faith in Jesus is what guarantees our salvation. Seeing faith as the guarantor of the fulfillment of a promise, that is a new way to seek the will of the Father.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Just Be Together

I'm struggling to write today. I have read several passages, including full chapters out of Kings, Psalms, Hebrews, and none of them are hitting me with anything particular. See, this is what happens to all of us. We have moments where we seek God intentionally and He seems to elude us. Don't get me wrong, there are great things in all of these scriptures and they are truths that need to be shared. It just so happens that today, I'm not hearing the words to share. Sometimes God is silent. Sometimes He is simply seeking to just be with us, not talking or anything. At times like this God reminds me that He just likes me. He likes to sit with me. He likes me to sit with Him. He doesn't always want to have to tell me something or have me tell Him something. He simply desires my presence, just as I desire His. I am my Beloved's and He is mine. (There's a little scripture reference for you. 😉) Sit with Jesus today, not talking or anything, just be together.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

It's Not Crowd Energy

Joel 2:29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

Have you experienced the Holy Spirit? How do you know? Where were you? What was it that let you know it was the Holy Spirit? I think there is a surprising disconnect we have when it comes to the Holy Spirit. We may have the wrong idea of what it feels like to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit. You see, we mix up the Holy Spirit with the energy of people. A group of people at a sporting event can have a massive effect on your feelings. You can become excited or angry, happy or sad, based on the energy of the crowd. This can make it difficult to discern what actually is the Holy Spirit. However, if you've ever actually been in the presence of the Holy Spirit, you won't ever get that mixed up again. You will have a great sense of His Presence. My first real and personal experience with the Holy Spirit was in a worship setting in college at a large convention. I knew it was the Holy Spirit and not the energy of the people around me, because it felt differently from every other experience I had ever had. There was incredible peace and joy, a fullness of my spirit. I didn't want to leave the space, not because I was energized by the people, but because I didn't want to leave the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was incredible. After that moment, I sought out situations where I felt the Holy Spirit. I have found that you can meet the Holy Spirit at any time, in any place, with or without people. I have spent time with Him in corporate worship settings, in solitude, with a friend, at my job, at the workout center, and the list goes on. The key is that I had to have that first encounter. Words cannot explain what is different about the presence of the Holy Spirit, it's a heart thing and it is obvious when it happens. Seek Him and you will know Him when you find Him.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Reason for the Hope

1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

I always hope that people will see my hope in Christ and ask me about it. It has happened a time or two, and what's amazing to me is that it is usually in a situation where I am unsure whether or not speaking the name of Jesus will be accepted. I find that after being able to speak it aloud, I am renewed with an even deeper hope. It's not easy to set your heart apart for Christ, much less tell someone about it. As I have grown in my relationship with God, I have found that the more I am willing to talk to others about it, the closer I become to Him. I spent time practicing those types of conversations with others that I knew were believers. Talking with other believers helped me to practice the gentleness and respect needed when sharing with a nonbeliever. I became comfortable with speaking out about my reason for hope simply by responding to people who asked, when I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to be honest. Pay attention to those inner prompts and those thoughts that come to mind when someone begins asking you about your hope. Give God the glory He is due and you will find something amazing happens between you and Him. I can't explain it, so go live it! 😊

Monday, June 11, 2018


Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

This is one of my absolute most favorite verses. I often need the reminder that my relationship with God is not based on anything I do or don't do. God's love for me is the same always, no matter who I am. I cannot win God over or get Him to do anything for me by being "good". God is always for me and He is always doing good on my behalf. Sometimes I get the gumption to work on my own sanctification and try to make myself holy. For instance, I notice I have frustrated emotions or words about a particular situation and I think that I should try to control those emotions or words. Paul's words here are a strict reminder that if I decide to start trying to be in control of my own holiness, then I negate Jesus' work on the cross. If I'm going to take control of one part of my salvation effort, then I have to take control of it all. I don't want to do that. This verse reminds me to turn my holiness over to God and let Him sanctify me and make me beautiful through the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus. I must ask Him to do the work in me, as I can no more make myself holy in action and thought than I can make myself a cat. I am a new creation in Christ because God has made me such. I am transformed by the Holy Spirit because of the gift of grace God has given me. And this is the freedom Paul writes about over and over. We are not bound by the law on stone tablets. We are free in Christ, who writes the law on our hearts through the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Remain free by asking God to continue the good work He began in you. He will complete it. He has promised.

Friday, June 8, 2018

When God Moves

Have you ever experienced a time where the only one who could get credit for something was God? Have you ever had unexplained happenings where you think, this has to be a God thing? I love when God moves like that.  I love when He gives us the opportunity to see His handiwork. Over my lifetime, I have been given plenty of these opportunities, but I have to admit that His current work is just unreal.  Now, I don't mean that everything is going exactly how I want life to go,  or that I'm not experiencing any hardship. No, what I am experiencing are things that can only be explained as God things.  They are situations, happenstances, circumstances, coincidences, plans, whatever you want to call it, that can only be explained as something God has been doing. For some things, I can tell that it has been God working for years on a particular detail. For others, it's as if He just did it on quick notice. And these aren't just things that are directly related to me or Dalton. These are things I'm noticing in the world around me. It's hard to explain, which is how I know it to be God. I want to encourage you to search for those things in your day that are unexplainable, those things that are seemingly ridiculous because the chances of it happening are just so minuscule, and give God the praise. Start looking and you will see His work.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Greatness of Hope

Psalm 143:8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Aren't there just days that you can't wait for them to be over so you can go to bed and start with a fresh day? That's one of the beauties of following Christ.  His mercies are new every morning.  He brings word of his unfailing love at the dawn. The evenings can be lonesome and the nights can seem so long, but there is light coming. The hope that rises the sun is the same hope with which the Son has been risen. When the darkness falls and your spirit seems to lie down in the depths, renew your strength with the hope of Christ. Pray for His living Spirit to come close and carry you through the deep into the new day, where hope is seen in the dawn. For if we trust in God, He will lift us up on earth as it is in Heaven. We have assurance through His Word that He will lead us on, as He has done for His people throughout the ages.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Faith Worth Losing

Psalm 111:2 Great are the works of the Lord: they are pondered by all who delight in them.

For some reason, today I was thinking about the phrase "faith worth losing". I once heard someone say that anyone who would walk away from God, had a "faith worth losing". His point was, have a faith that means more than anything else on earth. Of course, I think about this long enough and I start to realize that some of the reasons people might walk away from God are seemingly legitimate. A loved one dies of cancer when you prayed for them to be healed. Did God even hear you? Does He even care? You've sought something particular for a very lengthy amount of time waiting on God to do something, everything from material possessions to familial hopes. God didn't do anything, or at least didn't do it the way you wanted. You see people who claim to be Christians who do horrible, awful things to other people, maybe even actually being a hypocrite. Does God do anything? God allows so much evil to happen in the world. Does He have any justice? Here is the one thing I will say. In order to have faith, and definitely in order to have a faith worth keeping, one has to let Jesus in. One has to spend time with God in more ways than praying for a particular thing fervently. Purposeful, intentional, sincere time with God is all God is seeking from you. He's not asking you to do anything particular or believe a particular thing, or even act a particular way.  He is simply asking you to spend time with Him. There are lots of ways to spend time with God. Praying, yes, but there are many others. Going to church can be positive, and it's not simple to find a good one either, I know. Started with a positive attitude will help tremendously. And if you're going to go to church, if that's going to be a way that you are going to spend time with God, then you have to be ready and willing to meet Him there and do what you're prompted to do. You can spend time with friends who are Jesus followers. Read the Bible. Do a daily devotional. There are so many ways to get close to Jesus.  I realize that sometimes the issue isn't so much that we don't want to get close to Jesus, it's more that we are uncomfortable with Him getting close to us. Unfortunately, that's the only way to have a faith worth keeping.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A Job Moment

Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet I will hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.

Job is a fascinating study. He was a man of God who did everything for God. And God allowed Satan to mess with him, in a very substantial way.  Everything Job ever had was taken from him, except his life. His friends were horrible advice givers. His wife told him to just give up. Yet Job held firmly to God. Even in his statement here, that if God would kill him, Job would still have hope in God. I love it! I talk about "Job moments" with my sister.  We discuss the fact that Job was faithful to God in and through all things. We talk about whether or not we are all-in for God in the same way, that no matter what happens in our circumstance would we cling to God? Have you had your Job moment? Is God bigger in your life than any circumstance? Have you built a relationship with Jesus that is worth fighting for and clinging to in the midst of great trial like Job? That's the goal for me, to reach a place in my relationship with my Lord where nothing on earth can tear me away from Him.  He has already promised that nothing will separate Him from me because of Jesus. Now to make God big enough in my life so that I never want to separate from Him. It's a journey for sure.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Be Clothed With Power

Luke 24:49 I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.

How difficult it must have been for the disciples to not tell everyone about what they had seen and heard with the risen Christ! Yet Jesus knew that they needed to wait for the Holy Spirit before they began their journeys with the gospel. This is a part of my journey that I sometimes forget to let God establish. I realize what I am called to do or recognize a passion I have and I want to just go do it. Instead I need to wait, be still, and let God clothe me with the power of the Holy Spirit in order that His calling and passion within me do the complete work that God intends. Being patient is not simple. Waiting on others can be even worse. Yet this is what we are called to do. We are to wait on the Father for His timing and His gifts in order that the Kingdom work can be completed. Do you know what Kingdom work God is asking you to do? Do you know have a passion that needs the Holy Spirit's power to be eternally impacting for those around you? Seek God. Ask for the power that raised Jesus from the dead to be made real and visible in your life, and then hang on for the ride!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Unbelievable Joy

28 Psalm 72:28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.  I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.

I feel like I may have recently posted on this exact verse, but God has challenged me with telling of His deeds. Here is the sticky point.  I don't want to share it on the internet for privacy issues. Nothing weird, but I don't want random people to know my very personal information.  So, all of that to say, I can't share details but I can tell you that God has done an unbelievable act in my world and I'm probably going to share with you if we come into contact one on one. ;-)  It's super cool!  So what's my point in posting such a cryptic message?  Well, I'm being faithful to God asking me to share His story, and I want to remind you that God is working on your behalf.  He is always doing something for your good even if it takes three years. Trust Him for He is in control. Be faithful to Him and see what unbelievable joy follows.