Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Faith Worth Losing

Psalm 111:2 Great are the works of the Lord: they are pondered by all who delight in them.

For some reason, today I was thinking about the phrase "faith worth losing". I once heard someone say that anyone who would walk away from God, had a "faith worth losing". His point was, have a faith that means more than anything else on earth. Of course, I think about this long enough and I start to realize that some of the reasons people might walk away from God are seemingly legitimate. A loved one dies of cancer when you prayed for them to be healed. Did God even hear you? Does He even care? You've sought something particular for a very lengthy amount of time waiting on God to do something, everything from material possessions to familial hopes. God didn't do anything, or at least didn't do it the way you wanted. You see people who claim to be Christians who do horrible, awful things to other people, maybe even actually being a hypocrite. Does God do anything? God allows so much evil to happen in the world. Does He have any justice? Here is the one thing I will say. In order to have faith, and definitely in order to have a faith worth keeping, one has to let Jesus in. One has to spend time with God in more ways than praying for a particular thing fervently. Purposeful, intentional, sincere time with God is all God is seeking from you. He's not asking you to do anything particular or believe a particular thing, or even act a particular way.  He is simply asking you to spend time with Him. There are lots of ways to spend time with God. Praying, yes, but there are many others. Going to church can be positive, and it's not simple to find a good one either, I know. Started with a positive attitude will help tremendously. And if you're going to go to church, if that's going to be a way that you are going to spend time with God, then you have to be ready and willing to meet Him there and do what you're prompted to do. You can spend time with friends who are Jesus followers. Read the Bible. Do a daily devotional. There are so many ways to get close to Jesus.  I realize that sometimes the issue isn't so much that we don't want to get close to Jesus, it's more that we are uncomfortable with Him getting close to us. Unfortunately, that's the only way to have a faith worth keeping.

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