Friday, June 3, 2016

Leadership of Jesus

I have spent time contemplating the leadership of Jesus and trying to put that to work in my own world of leadership.  It is not an easy thing to do.  Jesus gave grace to all in need, specifically those undeserving.  He was a servant to His disciples, to the point of taking on the lowest position and washing their feet.  He gave of Himself at all times, even when He was awoken from sleep to immediately calm the storm.  Jesus wasn't understood often times when He spoke to His followers.  He was cast out by those who were supposed to be His biggest supporters, the Pharisees.  So, how do I apply this to my leadership role?  Honestly, I can't.  The only way I can lead like Jesus, is to live in Jesus.  He has to make my heart His heart.  The Holy Spirit must infiltrate all aspects of what I do or I am nothing but a boss.  Leading others is not easy work.  It is being strong in your beliefs and holding firm, while allowing grace as necessary.  It is giving of yourself to serve others' needs and carrying the burdens of the many you hold in your care.  This is only done well and with impact when it is done in Christ.  Yes, I am called to lead.  Thankfully, by the grace of God, in Jesus, I can do so for His glory.

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