Monday, October 31, 2016

It's Personal

Today is a reminder to realize that every person you come across has something going on in his/her life that probably isn't public knowledge, on purpose. There are many people, myself included, who have difficulties that they do not share with the world.  It's not a matter of pride or anything. It is a matter of it being personal.  One, we need to respect that, but two, we need to enter in with grace. I know I tend to be quick to have an opinion, and that's not really the best. It would be better to take a step back, ask a few questions in my own mind, and then show love and grace. I am not the judge of anyone.  It is not my job. And, frankly, I don't want to be. God is in charge of all of that, and I am great with that. So as polarizing times draw nearer, just be aware that each person we meet has a story and that story comes with its own ups and downs. We probably won't know about most of them, or at least we won't know about the depth of them, and our own experiences definitely don't make us experts.  Love on each other and show grace.  I think maybe Jesus said that. ;-)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Closer and Deeper

Father, in all that I do I pray that your light would shine through.  Get me out of the way and work your will into my daily walk. Give me eyes to see you work and ears to hear your word. My desire is to be closer to you with every step and to grow deeper in you every minute. May your thoughts be my thoughts and your ways my ways. Amen.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Living Word

Daniel 6:16 So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions' den. The king said to Daniel, "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!"

This is a fascinating story to me, in that, the king, who issues the decree, cannot revoke it. It must be carried out and the king is just sick that it has to be carried out on Daniel. His words here to Daniel are sincere. He is relieved in the morning when Daniel has been saved. This verse has my word for the year in it, rescue. I have been pondering this word quite a bit as of late. God has recently revealed that it is me to whom the word refers, for right now anyway. I am learning to trust in God to rescue me. The words of King Darius rang out to me today as I read them, as if he was saying them to me. The Word of God is living, for sure, and He knows exactly what we need to read and when. God knows how His words will penetrate our souls and give us peace deep within. Thanks be to God, for His Word is life!

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Saints

Sometimes my mind is drawn to those who have gone to be with Jesus. I think about the impact they have had on my life and the fortunate one I have been to have known them. The way that those people lived out their walk with Jesus is something that I am drawn to over and over. I think back on how I felt being with each of them and knowing in my soul that something was different about them. I'm grateful for the way they shared their journeys with Jesus and that He was evident in their lives. It's a day to remember, but also a day to rejoice. Even though they have gone before and are not here with me now, they are very alive in Christ in Heaven. It's beautiful. And I know they are all praying for me and my family. This is what life in Christ is all about! The saints who have gone before and the sisters and brothers who are with us still. We are meant for relationship with one another.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Five Minutes

This is my day this week to just be with Jesus.  Have you had your day this week?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

No Outward Sign

I have spent 30 minutes just sitting and thinking about all of the things God has been doing in my life.  Lately, it seems that things are not progressing in any of the areas of my life.  I feel like it's been a bit 'status quo' in our house as we've been waiting. But as I think about how God is working, it seems to me He is working more internally than externally.  It's an interesting thought to have. I can identify all of the ways God has been transforming my heart and it makes me curious to know what is coming in the future due to the changes I've experienced inwardly.  The anticipation and hope that I have for what's coming is renewed again, through the work I can see God doing in me. That's kind of fun. It's definitely giving me a new perspective on where to look for God's work.  When there isn't an outward sign, take a look inside.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Not Number One

Life can be so complex. I have many different facets of my daily life that all require my full attention and energy. It's not just as simple as working a job and coming home. It's not just that taking care of home is all that is important. My self-care is on the top of my list too.  So many facets of life and yet it seems that every one of them is at the top of my list. I once had a pastor friend make the statement that Jesus isn't number one on your list, Jesus is your list.  I really took that to heart.  His point was that if we put Jesus as number one, then we are less likely to include him in numbers two through whatever.  Making Jesus your list means giving Him every number on your list.  When you do that, lots of different things can take over number one at any given time, but in the end, Jesus will be the One.  That's my goal in my crazy complex life, not to put Jesus number one, but instead to make Him the One who is my life.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Outside My Comfort Zone

What's your impact? That's my newest thought. Am I allowing Jesus to shine through in every possible moment? My goal is to seek Him in all things and in all circumstances. I don't know that I'm able to do that. I want my impact to be for the Kingdom and to do that, relationship is a must.  Relationship with Jesus and relationships with others. I like to keep to myself whenever I get the chance, so sometimes it is very hard for me to enter into social situations. I have to remind myself in those moments that my goal is for Jesus to be seen in me, around me, and through me. In order for others to see this, I have to be around people. I often pray for God's strength to get me through and for His courage to be mine. I make time for myself as I know it's necessary, but there are definitely times where I feel God calling me to be there for someone. Thankfully, I've learned to draw from His well in order to accomplish the tasks that are outside my comfort zone and when I do, I find the most fulfilling experiences ensue. I pray you draw on God's strength and courage when you are outside of your comfort zone.  There is nothing more satisfying.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

God's Will

Father, as I fuss with this new learning and growing, give me the peace to hand control over to you. May you be in each and every part of the situation. May your Spirit wash over and guide my actions and words. Your will be done. Amen.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Fear, Control, Trust

God and I had a really good conversation today. It was a hard conversation, but it was good. I am being faced with one of my biggest fears as of late and I can now see God working through it.  I don't know what the purpose is completely, I just know that it is another area where I didn't recognize my desire for control. It's difficult because God is telling me to trust Him completely and that none of this is in my control. These are harsh words for me right now...fear, control, trust. I'm growing deeper and it is not a feel good time, that's for sure. However, it is beyond amazing to know that God is this interested in me as a human being that He cares enough to walk the road with me. Transformation is not all smiley and happy, but it is hopeful as I look toward what God is preparing me to do next.

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Lie

When I find myself in the midst of a storm, all I want to do is sit with Jesus. That's a good thing. I'm being fed the lie that it isn't enough. Satan is working hard to convince me that I need to jump in and do something to calm the storm.  Jesus is quietly telling me to remain in Him. His calm voice is telling me He's got it. I get so frustrated with Satan because he tries to drown out the voice of the Savior, the One who's in control of it all.  I have to constantly remind myself of what I know and who I know.  I speak out the lie to others, my mentors, who can help me to remove the lie. Jesus does want me to sit with Him in the midst of the storm.  He desires my trust and my faithfulness as He calms the wind and waves. I must trust in Him and seek His voice amidst the din of the storm. May Jesus bind the evil one from me.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Focus on Him!

Here is my one day a week when I just sit with Jesus in the quiet.  I love this day. Focus on Him!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Extreme Moments

Today I'm considering my go to attitude when I'm exhausted. How do I treat others? How do I treat myself? What is my outlook when I'm worn out? This is something that for me follows in line with every other extreme situation. So, whether I'm tired or frustrated, happy or sad, excited or bummed, I go at the extreme situation with a God who is the same. My strength in any and all situations is drawn from Jesus.  He is the same in every situation and that is what pulls me through. When I find myself in these extreme moments, I pray for God's strength to infiltrate my soul and carry me through to the other side. My experience has been, He is faithful.  When I've prayed this prayer in the past, I have physically and emotionally felt myself actually lifted and I have been able to be life-giving to others through Jesus.  It's pretty amazing.  That's my prayer for this week. :-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Skewed Self-Perception

God has been challenging me to look at myself as He sees me.  For some reason I find this very hard to do.  I tend to be critical of myself.  I tend to notice all of my flaws. When I look at myself as God views me, I am reminded that my perspective of myself is skewed by culture and the broken world. It has been good for me to sit quietly and reflect on who God has made me to be. I have been reflecting on my own growth over the last several years. I am in awe of the ways God has shaped me and transformed my actions and my thinking. Some of the things that are different are areas I didn't even realize were a problem until they were healed. That's the power of the Holy Spirit! My self-perception is being molded by God. He is continuing to show me who He created me to be and He desires for me to see myself just as He sees me.  Oh, what a challenge!

Monday, October 17, 2016

You Will Not Worry

I've attempted to write on several topics today and none of them is sticking. So, what do I want to say today? It's easy. Seek Jesus.  Find who you are in Him and everything else will fall into place.  Life won't be perfect, but you won't mind. Life will have bumps, but you won't be swayed. Life will be hard, but you will not worry. What do I want to say today? Make your life all about Jesus and everything else will take care of itself.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

God's Goodness

Father, thank you for your goodness to me. You have filled my life to overflowing with wonderful people. You provide me all I need to experience deep joy in the midst of all of life. Your Word is my Truth and your Truth is my life. Thank you for the blessings you bestow. Amen.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Always Only Good

God has been so prevalent this week.  He has shown Himself in the silence, in relationships, and in the everyday. I have learned to look for God in the midst of all things, because He seems to reveal Himself in all sorts of ways. I'm careful to put God into a box or a pattern of thought because just when I do that, He does something new. The great about God's movement is that it is always peaceful, it is always good, it is always righteous.  It's easy to pick out "God stuff" when He is always only good. I love that about Him! All good things come from the Lord. :-) So if you're ever wondering if something was of God, ask yourself if there was good in it. If your answer is yes, then you saw God. Enjoy looking for His goodness!

Friday, October 14, 2016

A Fresh Look At Old Circumstances

I have had so many moments this week where God has shown Himself.  I feel like He has shown off a bit actually. ;-)  It's fun when you are able to take a step back and really watch and listen. You see things with a whole new perspective. You recognize how much God has a part in your life. You get to watch God at work, when you keep your mouth quiet enough to pay attention.  Okay, go back and change all of those you to I. That's all about me this week. I struggle with being quiet in the presence of God. I struggle with stepping back and watching Him at work. I'm appreciative of the new perspective and the fresh look at old circumstances. It's great because I get to see that God was/is at work the whole time, even when I feel like He's taking a break. When God is quiet, that's a really good time to start paying really close attention.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Five Minutes

It's another day of just sitting quietly. I'm trying to pinpoint what it is that I'm gaining from these quiet times with God. It seems like it is a necessary respite that I didn't even realize I needed.  He is providing me time to allow my mind to be free of all of the hindrances of the day because I'm focused on the quiet. Listening is such an important part of life with Jesus and I am guilty of overlooking it. I want answers or I want to just talk to Him about whatever is going on, but sometimes it is more important to hush up. I'm taking five minutes to just listen, focus on Jesus and listen. It's been my theme this week.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Quiet Calm

I am feeling a little dry this week. I don't have many thoughts coming to mind when I sit to spend time with Jesus. I'm okay with that. I know He is present. I know He is working. I have peace. I just don't have a lot of words. I believe this is how growing a relationship is. There are times where many thoughts flood into your mind and you are confronted with new ideas or new ways of thinking. Sometimes there are insights into current practices or learning that refines with time and experience. And yet other times there is a quiet calm that settles. We need all of these times. I'm in a quiet calm time, and I'm good with that. The peaceful sound of silence.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Deepest Joy

I don't have any fancy thoughts today. I'm actually kind of out of thoughts today. I'm just grateful for the blessings of life, that in the midst of seemingly nothing but blandness of life, God bestows His deepest joy on me through my family. God is good, no matter the circumstances. We've learned that deeply over the last few years. Sorrow ebbs and flows, but the joy of the Lord endures!

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Best Life

Lately I've been thinking about things I thought would come to pass, but have not. I've been looking back at life, thinking about where I thought I would be and what I thought I would have accomplished up to this point. It's funny to me how I had so many plans, dreams you could even call them, that have not happened.  It's not because I didn't do them or because I didn't try to accomplish them. It's more about the fact that those things were not a part of God's plan. As I've grown, my plans have become more in line with God's. There are still plans that I am unsure as to whether they are God's, but I move forward with my focus on Him.  Am I bummed that some of my plans haven't happened? Sometimes. However, I am able to recognize that God's plans are always the best. A statement that recently has been shared with me is, "Good is the enemy of best." This has helped me in the face of these thoughts.  What I thought would be a good life, God is showing me is not the best life. I'm trying to grasp what God sees as the best life for me and move away from the good life conformities. I hope that makes sense. I'm just starting to grapple with it all.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Prayer for Healing

Lord, a prayer of healing for those who are hurting. There is so much pain in the world and I know you understand that a deeper level than most of us ever will.  Father, heal our souls, minds, and bodies.  Infiltrate our lives with your Spirit. You are the Great Healer. Rest your mighty hand on those who have need and give them the joy and peace that only comes from you. Amen.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Spend Time At the Well

Life is messy. It isn't simple. It isn't fair. If you want to be sad or mad all the time, it's pretty easy to find things to feel that way. It's easy to get caught up in the negative. This is why it is so important for us to spend time with God.  God is good. He is the only part of our world that is good all the time. Every time I go to God, even when I don't get the response I want, I know He is rooting for me and working for my good. Life can be messy. Circumstances can be overwhelming. Thankfully we have a God who loves us so much that He extends every good thing He has to us. As Christians, we have the power that resurrected Jesus living inside us. We have so much good to tap into, we just need to spend time at the well. That's what it's all about, spending time with Jesus, so our eyes are fixed on Him instead of the world we live in. Then our joy can be made complete.

Friday, October 7, 2016

My Moment

This is that day for me. I just need my moment to be still.

Psalm 65:5-8 You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas, who formed the mountains by your power. having armed yourself with strength, who killed the roaring of the seas, the roaring of her waves and the turmoil of the nations. Those living far away fear your wonders; where morning dawns and evening fades you call forth songs of joy.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

His Endurance

I've been trying to decide the best way to move forward when doors seem to be closing left and right. I'm always very careful to watch for patterns and seek God's will as the situation unfolds. When I'm having a hard time finding His movements, I go back to earlier parts of the journey where I know God was moving us in a particular direction. I actually have those things written down for times like this. There are moments when you are on the journey with God and you are doing everything He's asked and, then, suddenly, it seems as though God has taken a break. We don't forget or abandon the journey. We stay on course, even when the course seems foggy. We are praying for our eyes to be opened to where God is working and to see the details of this plan. Unfortunately, we are losing stamina. The ongoing uncertainty is wearing on us and we are needing another reminder of God's will. I'm prayerful that we will have word from Him soon. We are needing His endurance to overtake our tired spirits for a bit.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

So Much More

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I have spent today reading multiple of praise passages and words from Paul. I have pondered all of the things God has done for me over the course of my life. He has been very good to me, even in the midst of deep sorrow and trial.  There is always something to be gained. The beauty of walking with Jesus is the truth that we can experience a little bit of Heaven on earth. We get to walk with the power of the resurrection. As I grow in my relationship with Jesus, I realize how much more there is to Him and how much more we can do together. I am overwhelmed by the love I have already experienced and I am excited by the possibilities that lie ahead of me that I have yet to experience with Him. I want to tap into the Spirit even more and find myself so immersed in God that I can only do the good He does. I am a long way from that, but I am so thankful for the journey I have been given to walk thus far. Oh the depth of the joy that comes from living in Christ!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

It's Coming!

I've been thinking a lot about the upcoming holiday season.  We are starting choir at church for Christmas.  I'm getting my Christmas at the Cathedral rehearsals and performances into my planner. It's all starting to come together and it's a little surreal.  It just doesn't seem like it should be that time of year and yet it is approaching quickly.  It makes me smile. I just love Christmas and all of the joy it brings. I enjoy the family and friends, the baking, the fellowship, the decorations, all of it. It is such a hopeful time of year. Memories come flooding back of childhood and family who have gone to be with Jesus, yet my heart is overwhelmed with the joy of the Lord. It's a great time of year and a great time to begin reflecting on the work of God throughout the year. It's on its way, and I'm ready for the anticipation and hope that comes with it.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Feeling Guilty

I was feeling guilty today about sitting on my couch, Dalton on the couch next to me, and doing nothing except keeping up with the laundry. How sad is it that I feel guilty taking time to just be? Something about that guilt seemed very wrong to me. We live in a culture where it's normal to respond to someone who asks how you're doing by saying, busy. I think that's too bad. I enjoyed my time with Dalton today. I enjoyed the fact that we sat together in our quiet home and let our bodies have some down time. For me personally, it is important to have time away from people and rejuvenate for the week, so I don't want to feel guilty about it.  I think we should start a new way of living, spending time with the people we love and not doing anything to keep us "busy". What would it look like to just be with your loved ones? I've been doing that with Jesus and it's been really good for that relationship.  I would say the same would be true for all of our relationships. I'm going to focus on the quality of just being, rather than the guilt of not doing.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

You Choose Me

Lord, thank you that you have saved me from the pit. Thank you for your redemptive heart that chooses me every time, even when I don't choose you. Soften my heart to hear you, seek you, and know you deeper.  I love you, Lord, and I want to be nearer to you. Amen.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Words of Life and Truth

The darkest hour is just before dawn. Such a true statement. So why is it we can never seem to remember that in the midst of the darkness? I have found it is very important to have people in your world who can feed you truth in the darkest of times.  We need each other to help us remember what we know, rather than allowing ourselves to get caught up in Satan's schemes.  I am amazed at how lifted my spirit can feel after some of the deepest darkest moments, and how quickly the Spirit is able to bring me up from the pit. It takes words of life and truth given by Jesus through, for me, my family. Speak words of life and truth to someone today.  There is always someone who needs to hear them. Blessings on you, sisters and brothers in Christ!