Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Not Number One

Life can be so complex. I have many different facets of my daily life that all require my full attention and energy. It's not just as simple as working a job and coming home. It's not just that taking care of home is all that is important. My self-care is on the top of my list too.  So many facets of life and yet it seems that every one of them is at the top of my list. I once had a pastor friend make the statement that Jesus isn't number one on your list, Jesus is your list.  I really took that to heart.  His point was that if we put Jesus as number one, then we are less likely to include him in numbers two through whatever.  Making Jesus your list means giving Him every number on your list.  When you do that, lots of different things can take over number one at any given time, but in the end, Jesus will be the One.  That's my goal in my crazy complex life, not to put Jesus number one, but instead to make Him the One who is my life.

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