Job 42:5 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.
When contemplating my own depth of soul, I look to the story of Job. Job who had everything, had everything stripped away, had moron friends for counsel, then experienced God in a mighty way and was restored. Job was able to lose everything externally and internally, minus the love of God, and still held fast to his Creator. His circumstance did not affect his life with God. Oh, to be that connected to God that I could walk all roads and know that I was going to come out unscathed. I hope that is where my soul is in Jesus, but I have not had to go through much horror to know for sure. I learned so much during my mom's battle with pancreatic cancer and experienced God in ways I could never describe. Her example of what it looks like to walk with Jesus for a lifetime and experience inner peace that passes all understanding even unto death is engrained in my heart. I hope that those moments of grace are what I will cling to and relive when circumstances arise, and I am called to focus solely on Jesus so I can grow deeper with him. There is nothing like being in the presence of the Holy One, and Job knew it.
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