Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Finish Well

Finishing well is something I have set my mind to my whole life.  When meeting difficulties or disappointments, the key is to finish well.  When looking forward to new challenges and exciting possibilities, the key is to finish well first.  It is so easy to look ahead to the next thing and hope for something bigger or better.  The key really is to keep your eye on the goal as you complete the current journey with Jesus.  See, I'm on a journey with Jesus right now in a particular setting with particular people.  This journey is not over yet.  There is still more to be gained on this part of the journey, while finishing well.  It can be hard to finish well and keep your mind on the journey at hand when you know something different is ahead, whether you're excited or disappointed about that something different.  In order to finish well, I find myself seeking the face of God in the midst of the end, looking for where He is and making sure I don't miss the glory as the journey closes.  Words for myself...don't get ahead of yourself, stay the course, keep your kingdom eyes open, let the Spirit mold into your heart the pieces of this journey you will take with you on the next one.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Crowded Mind

Today it is a struggle to write.  There isn't anything particular that comes to mind so I end up just typing to see what comes of it.  I have many thoughts from thinking how thankful I am that God doesn't make us earn anything to the thought of looking for the God element of a bad situation.  There are days where all I need to do is take the time to pause.  I know I have written on that before, and I really do believe it.  There are moments where God is not calling us to do anything or say anything, but rather spend time with Him and give Him our undivided attention.  It's not easy to do, which is why I have so many thoughts crowding my mind.  It is time to just sit and focus on Jesus.  That's what I'll do.  Jesus.

Sunday, May 29, 2016


Heavenly Father, may your love pour over us this day.  May we walk in the steps that you have trod.  May we allow you to carry us when the way is rough.  May we feel your presence following us as we go.  You are the one triune God who created us, saved us, and transforms us.  My trust and hope is in you, for you are all I need.  Amen.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Grief's Gain

It's appropriate today that I'm thinking about grief and the way that it brings us through hard times.  I've discovered that grief is not a quick process, or even a process at that.  Grief is something that overtakes you at the most unusual times.  There is nothing that reminds me of Mom or anything that brings up a memory and I find myself crying.  I believe the important thing about those moments is that you let the grief have its time.  I give grief its 10-15 minutes, weeping so hard I can't breathe, or tearing as the memories flood over me, and then I find that my heart has gained something after.  There is a beautiful peace that comes during the 10-15 minutes and an incredible strength that is forged, all by the grace of God.  There is nothing I do in that time of grief except to accept that its happening and walk into it with Jesus, knowing He will be with me on the other side and that's all I need.  I have grown tremendously, not only through Mom's battle with cancer, but also in her going with Jesus.  I cannot possibly describe in words all that God has done and continues to do.  I just want everyone to get what I have been given.  The gift of Jesus is so much more than just salvation, but that's for another post.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Respond, That's All

I often hear people say things like, "I should read my Bible everyday." or "I know I should pray more." or "I really should get a good devotional book to go through everyday."  Here's what I've learned.  Over the years God has called me into a certain style of connecting with Him at certain times of my life.  Sometimes I am moved to read my Bible daily.  Sometimes I am moved to pray more often.  Sometimes I am moved to blog. ;-)  Other times I am prompted to buy a particular devotional book or Christian topic book to read.  The reality of our walk with God is just the same as our walk with each other.  Just as I like to spend coffee time with a friend, then maybe go to a movie the next time with that friend, then maybe workout together at another time, God wants to spend time with us in many different ways.  The key is to be open to the Spirit's prompting as to how to spend time with God.  When you feel prompted to read your Bible, then do.  When you feel prompted to sit and listen to some of your favorite Jesus songs, then do.  The key is to not "should" all of over yourself but instead respond to the Spirit as He prompts you.  Spending time with God is just that, spending time with God.  There is no right or wrong way to do it.  ...By the way, I'm not sure how long I'm being prompted to keep blogging daily...just sayin'.  ;-)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Soften the Blow

It's incredible to me how much a few words of encouragement can do for your soul.  These words don't have to be from someone special or even about something you're unsure about.  They are just words that say, "I've noticed you and I'm going to tell you."  I try to do this as often as possible for others.  When I notice something done well or even when I'm just prompted by the Spirit to say a kind word, I say it.  I was reminded today of how much those kind words mean to me personally, and I want to be sure I continue to lift others up in that same way.  How would our broken world be different if we all spent time each day building up one another, actually seeing each other's worth because we are creations of God?  Our kindness may not fix the broken, but it may definitely soften the blow for someone.  Speak words of life to someone today!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Selfish To Selfless

Something that seems to be coming up often in conversation has been the fact that people are selfish. It stops me pretty quickly to think about how people's concern for self is so much to the forefront of their own thoughts and actions.  The part about this that is most difficult for me is that often people don't even realize how selfish their actions are.  They believe they are motivated by much nobler intentions, but the truth of the matter is, they're being selfish.  So, how to fix this.  Well, I go to my mantra, it's all about Jesus.  If you are walking with Jesus and you are talking to Him about your own struggle and frustration, you are quickly made aware of your true motivation.   You find yourself to be whiny in His presence in light of the sacrifice He made for you.  You are aware of others around you who may be going through situations that are way more significant and difficult than your own, which gives you a new perspective on your own woes.  Are they really woes?  Is the issue really an issue, or are you the issue?  Self reflection through the eyes of Jesus is a major component of the selfish to selfless transformation.  I am a work in progress on this topic.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Going Where God Is

I am a fan of change.  However, I don't think change is easy.  During times of change, I find my feelings of inadequacy are heightened.  I become an easy target for self doubt and worry.  Change makes me shift my focus to God.  I am forced to take a look from His higher perspective and remove myself from the situation entirely.  It is a time to grasp tightly to God and reach for His will and purpose.  Change can be a positive molding experience with the Potter, or it can be a self destructive mess when we lean on ourselves for the transition.  My aim is always to keep the Potter in mind and allow myself to be molded and shaped and transformed in ways that I didn't realize I was needing.  It is a way for me to be refined, even when I dread the fire that will come.  Walking with Jesus is my only hope in change.  I must focus on Him holding my hand and taking me to a new place with Him...I'm going where God is.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Oops! A Day of Rest, I Guess

So, I completely forgot to post today.  Not sure what happened there, but I guess I was supposed to take a day off.  :-)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Prayer of Silence

Lord, I will dwell at your feet today in silence in thanks for all you have done and basking in who you are.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Calming Words

Psalm 23 is my relaxing thought for the day...

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.  He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all of the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Good News! Fancy Word...Gospel

Today I am prompted to write about the good news, or gospel, of Jesus.  I'm going to break it down simply and fancily.

1. Acknowledge that you are broken and in need of repair.  Fancy words...you are sinful in need of redemption.

2.  Jesus is who repairs you, you are not able repair yourself.  Fancy words...Jesus died to atone you of your sin.

3.  With Jesus, your entire life is new.  Fancy words...In Jesus, you are a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come.

4.  Because Jesus came back to life and went home to Heaven, He can live in, around, and through you to make you an incredible person.  Fancy words...Because Jesus was resurrected and ascended to Heaven, He can live in you and transform your heart through the Holy Spirit.

I want everyone to have Jesus!  If you have questions about Him, find someone to ask.  He's worth getting to know.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Stand In Righteousness

Why is it that in our brokenness, we have the need to be right?  This seems to be the case, even when our being right makes us appear to be a terrible person to someone else.  We spend so much time and energy making alliances and getting others to think like we do.  What is the point?  It ultimately hurts so many people and doesn't help anyone.  It makes our pride increase, which, frankly, doesn't need any help in getting bigger.  My heart breaks for those who have experienced the non-alliance side of being right, those who have been the target of the attack.  What we fail to realize is that no matter which side we stand on, we are always on the wrong side to someone.  Here is what I know.  I know that being right is relative.  I know that being right often has absolutely nothing to do with truth.  I know that there are good things and bad things.  I know that the only way to discern which is which is to get to know the truth, and truth is a person by the name of Jesus.  When we walk with Jesus and our actions are in line with who He is, we will find our need to be right will fade away and we will stand in righteousness instead.  We will know Truth and He will set us free.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Praise and Adoration

Today, my reflection is whether or not I have been giving God my best.  I was reading in the first chapter of Malachi about the priests who were sacrificing imperfect animals, which led me to think of my own actions toward God.  Am I putting forth my best effort when it comes to my relationship with Jesus?  Am I taking the time and making the time to grow that relationship?  Have I set my own expectations of myself as such that I give God my best first?  I'm not sure.  I realize that Jesus' death on the cross has fulfilled the sacrificial law, so I'm not thinking about this in a legalistic way.  My thoughts are in the vein of recognizing the majesty and honor due the Lord and I am not sure that I am giving my best effort in giving God glory.  I get wrapped up in my own thoughts and my own questions, looking for where God is and discerning His will, and I forget to just put up words of praise and adoration to the One who makes my cup overflow everyday.  Spending time adoring God is something I don't do nearly enough.  I am going to make an effort to let Jesus know how much I love and adore Him.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Drawing Nearer

So much happens in the course of a  lifetime.  People come and people go.  Jobs come and jobs go.  You visit places and gain a bit of insight.  Here is what I'm learning.  As you grow and change, life takes on interesting turns.  It never seems to go where you think it might, or at least it often doesn't turn out to your expectations.  This is not a bad thing.  I often find that the most unexpected moments are the biggest learning experiences.  They challenge who you are, your faith, what you've learned, and your expectations.  Those challenges are meant to bring you in closer to Jesus.  We are not always looking to be close to Him when life is going like we thought it would.  Instead, we need the struggle to draw us nearer to the heart of God.  Change is good.  The unexpected is good.  Challenge is good.  Drawing nearer to Jesus is best.

Monday, May 16, 2016

God In the Workplace

When I enter back into the work week after a weekend of regrouping myself and intentionally connecting with God (because it was Sunday), I try to find ways that I can take that weekend feeling into the work week.  It isn't easy to walk around and watch for God all of the time, especially if your job is very hectic.  Mine tends to be.  The application of this is best served when you can start including God into your mundane everyday workday tasks.  For instance, when I walk the hallway to somewhere, I talk to God.  Sometimes that conversation is purposeful and I'm praying for the situation I'm walking to and other times it's just a "hey, how's it goin'" kind of moment.  When I started introducing these quick prayers into my day, I was surprised by how often they seemed to find their way into some particular moment that happened later in the day.  I was also surprised at how God decided to reveal Himself in other ways, once I opened my heart to talking to Him in the workplace.  It's my challenge for you this week.  Start talking to God at work and see what He shows you.  Have fun!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Prayer For the Journey

Father, I thank you for the wisdom you provide in times of difficulty.  I thank you for the family who support me and the friends who show such caring.  I thank you that you are the author and perfecter of my faith.  You are the one who transforms my heart and creates beauty from the ick.  I praise you for you have shown yourself to me over and over.  I pray that I am able to walk with you as the days of this life tick away, that we may come into deeper relationship together.  Your will be done.  Amen.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Reflection and Visioning

On a nice Saturday, it is good to take a few moments and thank God for all He has given.  It is easy to get wrapped up in our busy lives and get our to-do list checked off, but when we only focus on the here and now we lose sight of where we are going and with whom we are going.  Take time to recognize where God has moved in your world and to ponder on where He is moving.  The journey takes deliberate effort on our part.  Make an effort to slow your pace today and give time to reflection and visioning (my fancy word for looking ahead with purpose).

Friday, May 13, 2016


Something that I have been seeking with God is preparedness.  I am such a planner, but I can't possibly plan for every contingency.  Therefore, when I am met with something that is an obstacle in my path, I am stumped and cannot seem to fathom the "why" of its occurrance.  In living in preparedness, God is teaching me that He has given me the opportunities to lean on Him in moments of confusion.  He has given me perspective through the situations in my life that are very applicable in dealing with road blocks.  The biggest learning has been that God is prepared for my unplannable inconvenience.  Unfortunately, I have to be reminded of this often.  I am learning to trust in Him more and I'm learning to turn my confusion over to Him a little quicker each time.  It is having joy in every circumstance.  It is moving forward with Jesus, even when the road block seems too monstrous to pass.  It is trusting in God's preparedness in any and every circumstance.  For this planner, that is peace.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Listening Is Investing

I have learned to listen.  I have had several moments this week where I could do was listen to the other person.  Some were angry.  Some were sad. Some were hurting. Some were happy.  It was all emotions of life and the words that I had to offer wouldn't/did do anything.  They were falling short of having any kind of impact.  When I just stopped and listened to the person, I was able to gain so much more insight learning that the real solution the person was seeking was someone to listen.  Listen to the anger.  Listen to the sadness.  Listen to the pain.  Listen to the joy.  It's such an important part of investing in others yet we think our advice and fancy words are what people are wanting.  I've seen it somewhere that we have two ears and one mouth because we should listen twice as much as we speak.  That's very wise.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Today I feel the need for positive words.  My sister and I refer to these as life-giving words.  We do something similar with the youth group kids and there is so much power to hear the words Jesus would say to us.  Today they are just some simple phrases to remind me of the power Jesus holds as He loves me.

You are loved.
You are amazing.
I have created you to be with me.
You are mine.
There is hope in me.
You are redeemed.
You are my beloved.
I am your source of joy.
I will never leave you.
I have called you.
I am in you.
We are one.
You are not defeated.
I have won the battle.
It is finished.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A New Way

Sometimes, when I don't know what I want to talk to God about, I'll ask Him what He wants to tell me.  I get messages such as, stay calm or be honest.  Other times it's, I love you or I'm proud of you.  I know I've written in the past about listening for God's voice.  I've learned to discern God's voice and now He is teaching me to discern where He is.  I am still journeying on this path to find Him where He is and meet Him there.  It is such a different thought process and it's taking a different skill set than I have.  It is waiting and watching.  It is listening and paying attention to very small things.  It is keeping information to myself and seeing how He is going to say what He wants to say at the best time.  It isn't easy for me because it's just so different from what I know how to do.  I think the big thing is, it takes effort on my part.  I have to learn the skills to meet God and I'm not even sure yet what those skills are.  He is showing me day by day a new glimpse into this depth of relationship and I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know Him in a completely new way.

Monday, May 9, 2016

I'm Okay

A quick note...Here's what I'm doing with my blog.  I'm posting so that people can see that even though I'm a pastor's adult (not a pastor's kid, mind you, I was 22 when Dad went into this job), and I appear to have everything going for me and nothing seems to be a struggle, the reality is, my life is a lot like everyone else's.  I have struggles.  I have frustration.  I have desert-like moments with God too.  Here's the thing, I'm leaning on God and resting in the arms of Jesus during all of this. I have gone through crap before, some of it way harder than what's happening now, (ahem, my mom died of pancreatic cancer) and I was fine through all of that too.  There is someone in me greater than all my circumstances and He uses my circumstances to refine me.  So, I'm fine.  I'm doing okay.  I'm waiting for some things, that's all.  I'm just like everyone else when it comes to the ick that life delves out.  However, I let Jesus take over and I grab onto Him in those moments.  I don't ever feel defeated or at a complete loss because God is bigger than my circumstance.  Jesus in me is my true joy and He never leaves me, hence, I'm okay.  I blog because I want people to have what I have, and I hope that my sharing helps others understand who God is/can be in the midst of a broken life.  Thanks for taking the time to read. :-)

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Prayer for Mom

Father God, on a day to honor mothers, I want to take a moment to thank you for mine.  I am very grateful for the relationship I was given in my mom.  I still have my moments of grief, but they are only because I miss her.  I have been truly blessed by the amazing woman who raised me and I have been molded by watching her live her life with you.  Jesus, thank you for the gift of Mom.  May who she was always be reflected just a little bit in me.  Tell her I said hello.  Amen.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Confirming Words

God has used the last few days to confirm some things He had hinted at earlier.  It is nice to know that you are really hearing God's voice or feeling the Spirit's prompting when you think you are.  I feel like it has taken me all 38 years of my life to get to a point where I am attuned to God's voice, and then just when I feel solid in myself, I begin to doubt once again.  God works so beautifully through those around me and I am learning to trust each day.  Right now that trust word is becoming even more of a reality.  It's walking with God and making moves even when I'm not fully sure I understand what He's doing.  It's having faith in God's leading and taking action accordingly.  I have a lot of life left (I think) and it's a darn good thing because I have so much to learn and so much deeper to grow in Christ.  The more I know the less I need to understand, but I still struggle with stepping in faith at times.  Christianity is not for the faint of heart.

Friday, May 6, 2016

I Like Knowing God the Best

Lately, I've been listening to some of the music that I listened to as a kid.  They were called the Candle tapes, particularly Bullfrogs and Butterflies is the one I've been listening to.  One of the songs called, I Like Knowing God the Best, talks about all of the fun things we get to do in life, but that the best thing is knowing God.  I couldn't help but think about how blessed I was as a child to grow up with this type of music ringing in my ears. (I'm not gonna lie, I did love the New Orleans and Boston too, thanks to Dad, but that's not relevant in the particular post. ;-))  Not only did I get to see great examples of following God through my parents and grandparents, but I was also filled with powerful words through song that reinforced my belief and faith.  I don't think parents always realize how much impact they truly have on their kids and how much what they choose to say, do or play (music I mean) makes a difference.  What we learn as kids really does stick with us.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Good Soil

Mark 4:20 Other, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop -- thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times what was sown.

This verse is a great reminder to think about who I spend my time with and how I prepare my heart to receive God's word.  I find it funny that just this evening as I was on my walk, I prayed that God would prepare my heart for what was ahead.  Now I'm reading this verse and thinking, how am I allowing God to make my heart good soil to hear His word.  It is time to let God sink into my soul and soften my heart so I can be in the best possible state to accept what He is proposing and make a larger impact on others, "produce a crop of a hundred times".  It is humbling to think that God might choose to use me in such a way.  And it is also quite nerve racking.  I know that wherever I meet God and whatever He asks of me, I will more than likely be inadequate to do the task unless He goes with me.  He has prepared me through the Spirit up to a certain level, but has left room for Himself to fill the missing piece.  I love that God takes that much interest in me!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Making Small Changes

This week God is convicting me about the time I spend doing the different tasks I deem important.  I have had some extra time this week because I have done things a little differently.  I have removed tasks that are not needed.  I have been more efficient with other tasks.  I have even started new tasks that haven't been a part of my normal routine.  What's interesting about all of this is that I've had more time to allow my body to become refreshed and let my mind get uncluttered.  I'm amazed at the fact that this is the case.  I didn't think that making small changes would have such a major impact on both my physical and mental capacity.  And then, when I am feeling better physically and mentally, emotionally I handle things better too.  This allows me to make more time for my spiritual life as well.  I'm able to spend quality time with God when He prompts me to do so, and my overall well being is impacted by that.  Make time for what's important.  It's been a good reminder for me this week.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Glimpse of Hope

God used today to give me a glimpse of hope.  I am amazed at how one small step in any direction feels like a relief.  It isn't as if I've gotten any major information; God has reminded me that He is still working on His plan. What I appreciate about God is that He knows me so well and knows exactly what I need and when.  He knows what I need to keep moving forward even I want to walk away and go back to what I know.  I am still praying to discern this new request of meeting God where He is.  I'm keeping my Kingdom eyes and ears open to gain the wisdom I need to take the next step in faith toward God.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Slow, But Sudden

I'm struggling to have a positive attitude these days.  This is highly unusual for me, so it's territory I don't know very well.  I'm not good at getting myself out of the fun, and that isn't helpful.  So, I sit on my couch and pray about my situation, hoping God is moving in a particular direction. (Sorry for being semi-cryptic.)  I feel like He is moving to remedy a situation, but I am not completely certain of it, and for that, I am gaining frustration.  I know that Satan is being slick and sticking his own little comments in my mind to get me even more annoyed.  I am desperately praying for God to be very near and very clear, very soon.  I am fine, just tired of the wait, as I know everyone feels at times.  God is slow in my world, but sudden.  Maybe the phone will ring tomorrow...(that's how God makes changes in my world, with a phone call)...

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Wisdom and Patience

Father, I am stretching myself to find you in new ways.  Show me the steps to take to reach you where you are.  I want to meet you where you have already gone ahead of me and are asking me to step in faith to you.  I know we will be there together, I need the discernment to see the path.  Please walk alongside and bring me into your full presence on this journey.  I pray for wisdom and patience as I trust your leading. Amen.