Friday, May 27, 2016

Respond, That's All

I often hear people say things like, "I should read my Bible everyday." or "I know I should pray more." or "I really should get a good devotional book to go through everyday."  Here's what I've learned.  Over the years God has called me into a certain style of connecting with Him at certain times of my life.  Sometimes I am moved to read my Bible daily.  Sometimes I am moved to pray more often.  Sometimes I am moved to blog. ;-)  Other times I am prompted to buy a particular devotional book or Christian topic book to read.  The reality of our walk with God is just the same as our walk with each other.  Just as I like to spend coffee time with a friend, then maybe go to a movie the next time with that friend, then maybe workout together at another time, God wants to spend time with us in many different ways.  The key is to be open to the Spirit's prompting as to how to spend time with God.  When you feel prompted to read your Bible, then do.  When you feel prompted to sit and listen to some of your favorite Jesus songs, then do.  The key is to not "should" all of over yourself but instead respond to the Spirit as He prompts you.  Spending time with God is just that, spending time with God.  There is no right or wrong way to do it.  ...By the way, I'm not sure how long I'm being prompted to keep blogging daily...just sayin'.  ;-)

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