Monday, May 9, 2016

I'm Okay

A quick note...Here's what I'm doing with my blog.  I'm posting so that people can see that even though I'm a pastor's adult (not a pastor's kid, mind you, I was 22 when Dad went into this job), and I appear to have everything going for me and nothing seems to be a struggle, the reality is, my life is a lot like everyone else's.  I have struggles.  I have frustration.  I have desert-like moments with God too.  Here's the thing, I'm leaning on God and resting in the arms of Jesus during all of this. I have gone through crap before, some of it way harder than what's happening now, (ahem, my mom died of pancreatic cancer) and I was fine through all of that too.  There is someone in me greater than all my circumstances and He uses my circumstances to refine me.  So, I'm fine.  I'm doing okay.  I'm waiting for some things, that's all.  I'm just like everyone else when it comes to the ick that life delves out.  However, I let Jesus take over and I grab onto Him in those moments.  I don't ever feel defeated or at a complete loss because God is bigger than my circumstance.  Jesus in me is my true joy and He never leaves me, hence, I'm okay.  I blog because I want people to have what I have, and I hope that my sharing helps others understand who God is/can be in the midst of a broken life.  Thanks for taking the time to read. :-)


  1. Thanks for your candor and vulnerability, Abbie. We'll never outgrow our struggles, until we see Jesus face to face. Meanwhile, we're more helpful and credible when we acknowledge our pain, than when we pretend to have it all together. Marietta and I love you, Abbie!

    1. Of course! And it's good to hear this from someone who has walked with Jesus for so long through good and difficult. You are both such a blessing to me, Ted and Marietta! Love you much!
