Saturday, December 31, 2016
Getting Personal
For my last post of 2016, I want to say thank you to those of you who have been so faithful in reading my blog. It has been a year of ups and downs for me, but thankfully I follow Jesus, who is always the same. I hope you have had a great year of getting to know Jesus on a more personal level and that you continue to grow your relationship with Him, as I plan to do. I currently do not plan to post daily during 2017, but may post some things here and there. We shall see where the Lord leads. Blessings to you all!
Friday, December 30, 2016
Living in Jesus
Looking ahead to 2017, what does it hold? I'm not a fan of a New Year's Resolution, so that's not something I'm referring to here. I'm thinking more along the lines of the type of expectancy I am living with. I don't have particular expectations of 2017, as I've learned from my past that these don't keep me very positive. I do, however, live with the expectancy that God will move and is moving. I know He is, has been, and will be faithful in 2017 and there is a part of me that loves the thought of what He might do. I have no idea, but I will wait in anticipation of how He will grow our relationship. It's going to be a great year living in Jesus!
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Being Blessed
I'm ending my year of blogging in a similar way to its start. I've been thinking about relationships and how long it takes to build strong, solid relationships. Part of my reason for blogging this year was to set aside a time for myself to work on my relationship with God, to spend time with Him each day. Blogging has definitely given me that opportunity. I hope you have found a way to spend time each day with Jesus and have gotten to know Him better this year too. I've found that when I spend that time with Him, I want to come back each day to sit with Him. Getting near is the real meaning of being blessed and I have been blessed this year.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
His Silence
Sometimes God is silent. It's as if He is giving me the opportunity to think through something for myself. It's difficult for me. I have found that the hardest part of God's silence is continuing to spend time with Him. However, that's exactly what I need to do when God is silent, spend time with Him. I sit in a quiet place, invite Him to be with me, and enjoy the time alone with Him. I know He is always present, even if He isn't saying anything. It's kind of like it's our quality time together. I have to admit, it's a challenge though, to sit in silence with the Creator. If I push through though and I stick it out, these are the most soul-filling times I have. I guess it's more that God knows what I need when I need it, including His silence.
**A tip for you if you are trying to spend silent time with God...I play music with no lyrics so my mind can relax, or I focus on my breathing and heart beat with ear plugs in. I am super distractible, so sometimes I need something for my mind to focus on, otherwise I think of all sorts of other things and don't actually spend time with God.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Simply Seek God
I spend time talking to God, having conversations back and forth. This morning, I realized I was using God's responses as if He were a giant 8 ball. Ya know what I'm talking about? The 8 ball that had the weird gel and cube in it that you asked questions, flipped it over, and got your answer? Well, that's kind of how I was handling God, and I was a bit convicted by it. I like to ask God questions, and I like when He gives me His answers, for the most part, but sometimes I find I'm seeking answers more than God. Here's what I learned this morning. When asking questions of God, His response is so much more than an answer. The journey to the answer is more important than the final landing spot. Meaning, when I ask God if something particular is going to happen, I need to focus more on the journey of getting to the particular ending. It's not the end that matters, it's the time spent with God getting there. I've learned so much more on the journey than I've learned at a destination. When I seek answers from God, I need to simply seek God, only then will I gain all that He intends for me.
Monday, December 26, 2016
It's Unpredictable
As an educator, the end of the year is winding down, but the school year is not quite half over. It feels funny to think about ending the year, when my year revolves more around the school calendar. However, I do count this as a time of year when I can reflect on the past and look to new beginnings. 2016 has been less than I thought it would be. There are still things lingering that I had thought would have been resolved. There are things undone that I had thought would have been completed. That's what I find difficult about a new year. Life is unpredictable. I make all of these really fantastic plans, but I never know what's actually coming down the pike. I'm okay with that. The unpredictability will not stop me from planning nor does it make me feel hopeless. If anything, it makes me more excited about what God is doing. Even though 2016 has not been what I anticipated, there has been much movement from God. I don't know what 2017 has in store, but it's coming and I have someone bigger in my life than any plans I can lay. Here's to ending well in 2016.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
A Christmas Prayer
Father, my prayer this Christmas is for you to become real in the lives of those who need you. May hearts be softened and ears be opened to your Word. Father, search us and know us. Bring us to a place where you are the only thing we need and our joy can be made complete. Amen.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Give Him Room
The birth of one baby set the world upside down. The name of Jesus has power. There was no one like him before he came and there has been no one like him since. Makes sense, He was God on the planet. This Christmas I hope those who are celebrating the season, give Jesus a room in their inn. I hope we find a way to open a space to let Him come in just a little closer so we can get a glimpse of life in His glory. May your Christmas be filled with the glory of God. May you experience His power and grace as you walk your journey with Him. Have a blessed Christmas, my friends!
Friday, December 23, 2016
Let Jesus Loose
I'm always encouraged by the giving spirit I see in people during the month of December. People are kind and caring. They put others first to make them happy through a gift with thoughtful intent. This is the spirit of Christmas, giving. I wonder why we only seem to be able to do this during December. Would it be possible to have this spirit of giving throughout the year? It is a selfless act, to give, and if we can entertain the idea of giving all year, what would that look like? Does it always need to be in the form of a present? My challenge for myself in the coming year is to give more, not presents necessarily, but to look for ways I can do selfless acts of love for those around me...Let Jesus loose in my world. It could be beautiful!
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Jesus and Mom
I've been thinking about Mom these last couple of weeks. It's crazy how in this third go around of Christmas without her, I've seemed to miss her more. I think that's the thing with people being gone. You expect them to be around again sometime, but they just won't be. I know Mom is celebrating in Heaven and my missing her is more for my own sake than hers. There are just things I want to share with her and moments I wish she could be a part of here on Earth. I do believe she sees the good things that are going on with us, but that's not really what it's about. It's about hearing her voice, or seeing her smile, or feeling her fingers run through my hair during a haircut in the kitchen. It's her physical presence that I miss. There was an incredible way about her that was simply in her was Jesus in her. I hope I am the same for someone as Mom was for me. I want Jesus to be with me as He was with her on Earth. That is my goal, to be one with Jesus where you can't tell where one of us ends and the other begins. I think that's how it was with Jesus and Mom.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
His Strength, Joy, and Peace
My week/weekend of singing is catching up with me. I'm tired and I'm getting what seems to be a cold. However, this isn't affecting my excitement, anticipation, and joy for this coming weekend. I'm glad that when these kinds of days hit, where I'm tired and just want to crash, God in me is my strength to go forward. I'm living in His strength, joy, and peace these days. It feels lovely!
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
God Is With Us
My heart is wrapped up in the ups and downs of life. The joy that some get to experience in receiving good news, and the sorrow that others feel in receiving the not so good news. This time of year is filled with joy and excitement and yet for some that's not how it's going. The world is real and it doesn't stop for our individual circumstances. Here is what I know, out of my own experience. There is joy in sorrow and there can be laughter through tears. All of this is possible because of a baby who was born in Bethlehem. Jesus brings joy in our lives and fills us to the point of overflowing. Of course there are moments when we hurt and cry tears of sadness, but in the midst of the deep pain, the love of the Savior brings something that nothing on Earth can describe. There is deep peace that is given through the Holy Spirit. No flailing in the sorrow. No anger in the pain. Only soul deep satisfaction through the One who became flesh. Emmanuel, God with us, in all of life, joy and sorrow. Whatever you are experiencing during this Christmas season, I pray that you find the One who was born in a manger, died on a cross, raised from the dead, and ascended into Heaven to give us the gifts of love, redemption, hope, and freedom. Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Glory Revealed
As I head into this last week before Christmas, I sit with a thankful heart. I don't know that there are words to express, or even brain power to think of, all of the things that come to mind during this holiday. It is my favorite. God bestows so many different gifts at this time of year, through activities, giving, relationships, visuals, sounds, and, yes, food. ;-) I once said that I couldn't do Christmas if it happened in June. I really do feel that way. There is something about the cold weather with the snow on the ground that causes me to become contemplative and makes the season more real. There is hardship that comes along with Christmas, as we battle the elements, that brings something about the Christmas story to life. There was nothing easy about the way Jesus was born, and yet the glory of God was revealed. I'm reminded that no matter my circumstances, I walk with Jesus and I get to see His glory. I am more than a conqueror through Christ, and Christmas, with all of its traditions, is a time when God reveals His glory anew each year.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Father, I thank you for the gifts and blessings you have bestowed. Your graciousness and care you have shown in the way you have cared for me over and over is beyond compare. Your love is abounding in the time of year and I pray that you would continue to walk closely to me. I need you. Amen.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Seek Jesus
Dalton and I were discussing the importance of having people around you. It's great to have support from people and rejoice with each other. Our conversation, though, quickly turned to how important it is to have that strong, solid relationship with Jesus Christ because sometimes you will be all alone. The battle will be within you, or will only involve you. If you only involve other people in your world and forget to include Jesus, then you will truly find yourself alone. When you live in Christ and you cultivate that relationship with Him, you will find that even when the battle is only you, you are never alone. Don't think it won't happen to you. We will all face the final battle "alone" (I'm referring to the end of life), at which point, it is just you and God. We will find ourselves walking that path alone, unless we have been walking with Jesus. Take care of that, my friends. Life is too uncertain to walk without knowing Jesus. Invite Him into your life today, if you haven't already. And if you have, spend time getting to know Him. I don't ever want anyone to be alone in any battle. Seek Jesus.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Share the Love
I'm reminded today of the importance of sharing your love with those you love. I'm not always so great about speaking out the words that express my love for those that I love. I realize that when I am away from them for periods of time how deep my love for them truly is. I try to be good about making sure I tell them in some way fairly often. I think today, it is more about treating them with that deep love each and every moment. It's a good time of year to reach out to those you love and let them know how important they are to you. That's my goal for this season. Share the love.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Invite Him
Today is my day to think on Jesus. I'm preparing myself for the coming weekend of concerts. I'm hoping to be used by God to touch the lives of people, but I need to invite Him to come with me.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Extra Gifts
Singing is one of my greatest joys in life. I have been blessed with a great gift and I don't take it for granted. During the holiday season, I enjoy all of the concerts I get to be a part of. Each style of music does something for my soul that is very particular. The choral music at church touches my heart in word and sound. The Cathedral orchestra and choir give me a sense of hope and joy for the season. The family stuff we get to do on Christmas Eve is where my heart is the fullest. God moves mightily in music for me. I know He uses it to touch the lives of those around me as well. Be on the lookout for what God has given you. At this time of year, I think it's good to ponder those extra gifts we've been given.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
It's Quick
I'm thinking about how I have already noticed a change in my reaction to frustrating situations, since turning it over to God last week. I find that I am quicker to look at those situations with Kingdom eyes and recognize that something larger than me is at work. I am noticing that God may be using those things in a mighty way, or He's using them to help me practice "off the spot" for those moments that will come down the road that will have a larger impact on others. Either way, God is working and it makes me feel incredibly loved and cared for. When I turn something over to Him, in relation to my heart, He is on it immediately. Now if I can only get my mind to recognize that this is happening in my daily movements as well and not just in my heart, all will be well.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Hope Renewed
It has been a long run to get to this day. I have been busy pretty much every minute of every day for the last two weeks, which includes being sick and having to rest for what equalled one day. The beauty is that, God knows what I need, when I need it. I have been given a couple of evenings to rest and relax before heading into the next marathon of concerts. Outside of all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, I have a deep sense that God is moving somewhere else too. I don't know where it is yet, but I think I'm going to find out very soon. In this season of anticipation, I am now waiting with expectancy for what God is about to reveal. The coming Messiah brings my focus back to the hope of what is promised, eternity in Heaven. But oh, the bliss, when we get to experience Heaven on Earth! That's what Christmas is all about.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Now and Forever
Lord, a simple prayer to say thank you. Thank you for making the time to transform my heart and revealing to me your intention in your creation in me. I'm humbled by your love and care. There are no words to express, so I give my heart to you, now and forever. Amen.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
God Is Moving
I've been noticing all of the little things lately, things like, eyes, smiles, interactions among friends, and so on. These are all places I see God moving. I seek to find God in the mundane parts of life because I don't know that any part of life is so mundane, especially when you start to realize that God is all over every bit of it. Through the laughter and tears, God is moving continually. Even when we don't see it, there is workings going on to get us through. When you can't see it is when you have to just know it. I don't just know it with my head though, I know it with my heart. God is faithful. He is always working on my behalf. It's fun when you can see God at work, and simply, you just have to look for Him and you will find Him.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Taking Care of Me
I'm taking care of me today and not posting anything major. It's been a long several days with no relaxation and late nights. I don't want to get sick, again, so I'm taking the day off. I'll be back tomorrow. You rest too. ;-)
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Another Heart Transformation
I've not been impressed with myself lately. I get busy and then I turn into a not so nice person with myself. I'm still kind to others, but I get frustrated quickly with myself and I don't think kind thoughts or words. It definitely keeps me humble. I realize I have a long way to go on this journey with Jesus. I don't want my mind and mouth to get all worked up when I'm tired and overwhelmed. I want to be calm and collected. So, here is the next step for me in my journey of transformational grace. God, it is now your turn to work on my heart in these moments of frustration. Make me calm, give me your eyes and words to respond. Give me your wisdom as I struggle through the "not enough time" syndrome. Lord, I don't want to respond with grumpy words or phrases or frustrated thoughts. I want peace and joy to reign in my heart at all times. Lord, please do this within me. Transform my heart in this area. Amen.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Only the Prompting
I'm finding it hard these days to make time for myself to rejuvenate. I love the Christmas season so very much and, unfortunately, that means I am busy with all sorts of fun things. This is leading to not much free time for my mind or my body. I take a few minutes here and there to let my mind rest and to give my body time to relax. The sad thing is I feel as though I am not accomplishing all of the tasks I want to accomplish. Time is running short for all of the things I want to do. Here's what I'm doing to remedy the situation. I'm making time only for the things God is prompting me to do. This way I can also spend time with Jesus as I am prompted as well. It's nice that I have experience just sitting with Jesus, even if I only get five minutes of peace. I am attuned to those short moments where I can give Jesus all of me, so He can restrengthen me for the ride. It's a good one, but it is definitely tiresome. I want Jesus to shine this Christmas and in order to do that I can't leave Him out of it. I'm doing what He tells me to and giving Him myself when He calls.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Reason To Pause
Dad has been preaching on God moving in unexpected ways using the Christmas story during Advent. It's been giving me reason to pause. I'm thinking about my own expectations of God and looking closely at the ways I put God into a box as to how He does things in my world. I would love to say I don't, that I'm just always seeking God and willing to admit that He could show up in any way. I don't think that's the case though. I think I have conveniently figured out my own little system to decide when God will move and what it will look like. That's not working so well for me right now. God is not doing what I'm expecting and especially not when I'm expecting. Now what? It's time to consider that God moves how and when He deems best. I need to live in expectancy, not expectation. Those are two very different things. Expectancy is knowing that God will move, and giving Him the control. Expectation is having an end in mind, whether that's the action or the timing. It's tricky for me, a strategic person, to live with expectancy. I'm praying for God to transform my heart and mind to live in expectancy rather than expectation.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Listening Prayer
Lord, sometimes there are not words to express what the heart knows. Let me listen to you today in this prayer time. Let me hear your voice speaking, "I came for you because I love you." Amen.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Hope Is a Person
Some days are just difficult. There are not words to express what the heart feels. The pain is deep the sadness is real. Life comes after you sometimes, even in the midst of a joyful season around. My thoughts are always with those for whom the holidays are not enjoyable. They may be filled with memories of a relative who has passed away, memories of an unenjoyable family life, no memories of family at all, or just a barrage of feelings of inadequacy, chaos, or panic. This is a season of hope. Jesus came to us in the broken world to show us what hope looks like. He became one of us in order that He could understand our pain and our sorrow. He gets it. He is there. He is ready to listen. He is ready to pick you up and carry you. Let Jesus in a little closer this Christmas season. Give Him the opportunity to speak to your soul as He so longs to do. He is a gentlemen, so ask Him in. In my personal times of sadness, loss, struggle, and panic, He has been my hope. He is my joy through tears. He is my strength. I want you to have Him too. Ask Him in.
Friday, December 2, 2016
For Those In Need
Colossians 4:5-6 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
This is a good reminder for me as we continue on the journey of advent. This is the perfect time of year for the Gospel to be shared. We must keep in mind the ears of our listeners and the hearts of our seekers. Jesus came in an unexpected way, born in a stable, shown to shepherds first. He is for those in need. He came for the lost and the sinners. While I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to know Christ at such an early age and have spent 30+ years with him, I try to be mindful of my state before knowing Him fully. In this way, I have a better chance of sharing with others in grace and can see others with the eyes of Jesus. It is all important to let Christ lead in the conversations about Him. Let Him guide your tongue and open your heart to those around you, so that He can be born anew for someone this Christmas.
This is a good reminder for me as we continue on the journey of advent. This is the perfect time of year for the Gospel to be shared. We must keep in mind the ears of our listeners and the hearts of our seekers. Jesus came in an unexpected way, born in a stable, shown to shepherds first. He is for those in need. He came for the lost and the sinners. While I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to know Christ at such an early age and have spent 30+ years with him, I try to be mindful of my state before knowing Him fully. In this way, I have a better chance of sharing with others in grace and can see others with the eyes of Jesus. It is all important to let Christ lead in the conversations about Him. Let Him guide your tongue and open your heart to those around you, so that He can be born anew for someone this Christmas.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
A Drifting Mind
My mind is drifting today. I have started this blog post six times and none of them are sticking. I get about four sentences in and delete. I can't decide what I want to say. I can't decide what I'm hearing God say today. For me it seems to be more about caring for oneself and not feeling guilty when one does. It is about making time during the busy Christmas season to spend time alone with Jesus for any amount of time possible each day. Even when my mind is drifting, these are still the best moments of my day because Jesus joins me and we can have time together. Christmas is about Jesus, why not make this season about spending time with Him and see what happens? It might just change your life. ;-)
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