Tuesday, December 20, 2016

God Is With Us

My heart is wrapped up in the ups and downs of life. The joy that some get to experience in receiving good news, and the sorrow that others feel in receiving the not so good news. This time of year is filled with joy and excitement and yet for some that's not how it's going. The world is real and it doesn't stop for our individual circumstances. Here is what I know, out of my own experience. There is joy in sorrow and there can be laughter through tears. All of this is possible because of a baby who was born in Bethlehem. Jesus brings joy in our lives and fills us to the point of overflowing. Of course there are moments when we hurt and cry tears of sadness, but in the midst of the deep pain, the love of the Savior brings something that nothing on Earth can describe. There is deep peace that is given through the Holy Spirit. No flailing in the sorrow. No anger in the pain. Only soul deep satisfaction through the One who became flesh. Emmanuel, God with us, in all of life, joy and sorrow. Whatever you are experiencing during this Christmas season, I pray that you find the One who was born in a manger, died on a cross, raised from the dead, and ascended into Heaven to give us the gifts of love, redemption, hope, and freedom. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

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