Thursday, December 22, 2016

Jesus and Mom

I've been thinking about Mom these last couple of weeks. It's crazy how in this third go around of Christmas without her, I've seemed to miss her more. I think that's the thing with people being gone. You expect them to be around again sometime, but they just won't be. I know Mom is celebrating in Heaven and my missing her is more for my own sake than hers.  There are just things I want to share with her and moments I wish she could be a part of here on Earth.  I do believe she sees the good things that are going on with us, but that's not really what it's about.  It's about hearing her voice, or seeing her smile, or feeling her fingers run through my hair during a haircut in the kitchen. It's her physical presence that I miss.  There was an incredible way about her that was simply in her was Jesus in her.  I hope I am the same for someone as Mom was for me. I want Jesus to be with me as He was with her on Earth.  That is my goal, to be one with Jesus where you can't tell where one of us ends and the other begins.  I think that's how it was with Jesus and Mom.

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