Wednesday, December 28, 2016

His Silence

Sometimes God is silent. It's as if He is giving me the opportunity to think through something for myself. It's difficult for me. I have found that the hardest part of God's silence is continuing to spend time with Him. However, that's exactly what I need to do when God is silent, spend time with Him.  I sit in a quiet place, invite Him to be with me, and enjoy the time alone with Him. I know He is always present, even if He isn't saying anything.  It's kind of like it's our quality time together. I have to admit, it's a challenge though, to sit in silence with the Creator. If I push through though and I stick it out, these are the most soul-filling times I have.  I guess it's more that God knows what I need when I need it, including His silence.  

**A tip for you if you are trying to spend silent time with God...I play music with no lyrics so my mind can relax, or I focus on my breathing and heart beat with ear plugs in.  I am super distractible, so sometimes I need something for my mind to focus on, otherwise I think of all sorts of other things and don't actually spend time with God.

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