Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dialogue With God

When I begin my time with God, the first question I ask Him is generally, "What do you want to tell me, Lord?"  Most often the first thing He says is, "I love you" and that makes me smile, every time. Then I move on to "Okay, but what else?" This question comes from a selfish thought process.  If I'm going to build a deeper relationship with God, I want to express interest in His interests.  I think that God gets excited about things He is doing in our lives and He wants to share those things with us.   But that's not the question I ask.  So why not ask that question, "Lord, what are you working on that makes you excited?"  I tell Him what I'm excited about and the things for which I am thankful. Why not turn the tables and truly have a dialogue with God?  How would asking that question change your relationship with your maker? Try it.  Ask God what He's excited about.  You might be surprised by what He brings to mind.


  1. He tells me daily that He is excited about the work he is continuing to do in my marriage.

    Great perspective my friend!
