Tuesday, January 12, 2016


James 1:19-20 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

I'm posting in the "old way" today. ;-)  My time with God today has been focused on this verse.  I have learned well in the last four years to listen more than I speak.  I have spent time in many different settings where I have found myself happy to listen and dreading the thought of speaking.  These are good times to apply this verse, but not only that, I've become very aware of how much people need to be heard.  The part I may struggle with more is the latter half of the verse, being slow to anger.  With children, slow to anger is not hard for me.  However, with adults, I am all too quick to get annoyed.  I know that God is working on this in me, providing me times to listen and eyes to see from a different perspective.  Anger is such an easy emotion to write off.  For some reason we allow ourselves to become angry and are quick to justify it or make light of it.  Everything from, "well he didn't do this and said he would" to "I just turn into a different person when I get behind the wheel".  Anger is not okay. Period. This is a harsh word for me today.  I want to have the right to be upset with someone.  I want to have the right to have an opinion, and not a very nice one at that. Then beyond that, I want the right to share my opinion whenever I feel like it. The truth is, I need to listen more...to others and to God.  Just listen.  Listen.

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