Thursday, January 21, 2016

Strengthening My Relationship

Relationships have been a focus of mine this year. (I'm referencing the school year here.) I have been watching carefully and learning the intricacies of individual relationships and the impact they have.  Something I have come to know over the past few months is that in everything I do, and I literally mean everything, I am either building up the relationship or tearing it down.  My newest endeavor is building up a relationship in the difficult moments.  When I deal with hard situations, I am cognizant about my word choice, my body language, and my facial expressions.  This can be tricky for me because I am so animated when I talk and listen.  I am reflecting after each situation to figure out the best way to build up the relationship rather than tear it down.  I have found that relationships can be a bit like building muscle in that, sometimes you do have to "tear" it a bit in order to build it back even stronger.  It is such a delicate balance though.  I have to listen more than I talk, that's for sure.  This is the case with my relationship with Jesus too. Everything I do is either strengthening my relationship with Him or tearing it down. There is no staying the same, and I don't want there to be.  It takes time and effort, just like any other relationship.

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