Monday, September 19, 2016

Identity Theft

Every once in a while, I threaten to get off social media completely. I don't like how I react to some things that are posted. I get frustrated or comparative; sometimes I get annoyed or down on myself. This is one of those times. I need to take a moment and think about why I use social media in the first place. Here is what I know. I know that social media does not define me.  I know that I find my identity in Christ. My selfies, my posts, my likes, my friends, do not make me who I am. Only Jesus makes me who I am. When I get frustrated with people's posts or feel down about my own life, I take stock of where my relationship with Jesus is.  How much time have a I spent with Him? Have I been on social media more than I've spent time with Jesus? Unfortunately, when I find myself having negative feelings about social media, it is usually related to a lack of spending time with Jesus. Please be careful with social media and don't let it steal your identity.  Please find your identity in Jesus Christ. Spend time with Him instead of scrolling through your news feed, at least one time this week. This is my challenge for myself.

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