Friday, September 16, 2016

The Calm After the Storm

I listened to the storm. I read some of Ecclesiastes. I sat in the calm of the storm, hearing the tick-tock of the clock. There is something about the calm after a storm that is so peaceful. I suppose it is because our ears and eyes get tired and the quiet after the storm is a relief. I also find the calm to be soothing. It's almost as if the storm has come and cleansed everything and the calm is a time to reflect on what the Lord has just done. I think this would be a great way to look at the "storms" of life.  I know this is exactly what happened following Mom's battle with cancer.  I don't know that I would call that battle a "storm", but you get my thinking.  The year after Mom passed, my family felt like nothing was going on, that we were just kind of doing life. There was no major movement in the God realm. Then it hit me, God was giving us time off, so to speak. He gave us a year to bask in His grace after two years of being grown and stretched. We needed the time to just be. That year was very healing in many ways, but it was a great time of rest too. Since then, God has begun to move mightily in our world and we are starting to feel His leading in new ways, once again. Sometimes you just need a calm after the storm. There's something very right about that.

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