Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Not Feeling Awesome

Why do I have to have tough moments?  Why is it that I get moving along just fine, thinking all is going well and then BAM! I'm hit with a solid 15 minutes of ick.  I know everyone has these moments.  And I know Satan knows the best way to get me. Sometimes I feel like I'm already down and then Satan decides to kick me while I lay there. Sadly, I just have to be in the moment.  I have to meet the fear face to face. I have to see it for what it is and get a new perspective on it...a God perspective. I'm tired of not being on the mountain. I'm tired of continually seeking God's perspective just so I can move forward. I'm wondering when things will begin to look up. I'll try to start that upward trend by looking up myself. Even if my circumstance doesn't change, there is still a deep joy within that cannot be lost. That's the really good part and that's also why a 15 minute bout of ick only lasts 15 minutes. Thankful for Jesus being in, around, and through me.

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