I'm going to use Friday as a reflection post. I hope you don't mind.
Why is it that we are so slow to sit down and be with God? What is our trepidation in spending time with Him? Are we afraid of what He will ask of us? Are we unsure of what to do with Him? I think for each of us the questions that keep us from this time with God are as unique as we are. We may pull the classic excuse routine with "I don't have time." or "What good would it do anyway?". But the reality, as I have come to learn over the last four months, is that once I consistently started to spend time with God, I now cannot stand to miss it. I dread days when I know I will have something to do during my typical time I sit with Him because I know I will not have time anywhere else in the day. And what is sad is that what got me to this point is that I was somewhat forced to make time with God because all of my excuses were gone. I didn't have a job to take up my time. I don't have kids to run everywhere. My house was clean. My errands were run. My laundry was done. I was well rested. All I had left was to spend time with God. I'm embarrassed that this is what it took for me to spend consistent, meaningful time with Him, but it is. And now, I cannot function without it. My days are rocky at best when I miss my morning time with my Lord. It's a great place to be, in the presence of my Lord, and I've come to seek Him daily. I just wish it wouldn't have taken me so long, nor taken such a harsh circumstance, to get me here. Thanks be to God for He is the reason I have a relationship with Him.
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