Thursday, May 31, 2018

Shout from the Mountaintops

Daniel 4:2 It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me.

I just love this statement from Nebuchadnezzar.  How often I find myself wanting to shout from the mountaintops about what God has done! There is so much sadness and tragedy in the world, and sometimes we just need the positive Word. God is always at work, sometimes it's small things like running into someone and having a nice conversation to big things like cancer-free declarations.  I have spent a lifetime looking for what God is doing in my life and where He is doing it.  I have gone through valleys where it seems as though my circumstance could not be any more awful and yet the closeness of Christ in that moment I cannot begin to describe.  I have been on the highest mountain elated beyond all expectations and felt the Presence of the Holy Spirit through the goosebumps on my arms and the happiness in my soul. Yes, the miraculous signs and wonders are things I think we forget to enjoy.  We forget that God is in all things, even when it seems He is not.  I would love to share all of the ways God has been faithful and providential in my life, but there are just too many.  I do keep track in certain situations because sometimes it is literally unbelievable, even to me, how He works out details.  So, what are the miraculous signs and wonders you have seen God do for you?  If you think He has done none, look again, talk to a friend, seek Him and you will see Him.

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