Tuesday, May 8, 2018

When Life Kicks You

Isaiah 42:3-4 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.  In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope.

I didn't have an awesome day today.  Sometimes life kicks you around a bit and it's not always easy to take the hits.  I'm sure you know what I mean.  Things just don't seem to go well, small or big.  Your pants have a stain in a spot you didn't even know was possible.  You pull up to the wrong side of the pump with your car. You balance the checkbook and realize there is not nearly enough money to make it through the month.  Your spouse is having his own bout with life. And whatever else you need to add to the list.  Some days are just crummy.  You miss those who've gone before you to be with Jesus. You miss your own time with Jesus. Life seems to be more than you want to deal with, but you keep trudging along (even if your attitude might stink a bit). These are days when my only response is, "Well, at least my salvation is secure." I know I've written and spoken about this before, but these days happen randomly.  There really isn't a silver lining to the storm clouds, that is in view anyway. You need time to pass in order to really see the forest for the trees.  Then I read Isaiah 42 and I am reminded not only of my secure salvation, but the suffering of my Lord to complete the redemption work of my soul. There is more to my day than just the physical and emotional things that go awry.  There is a spiritual aspect that is full when I seek Jesus on my crummy days. When I attempt to be with Him when all else seems to be failing me.  He does not fail.  He is always the same. He loves me even when my reaction to my stained pants is a little over the top. ;-) He cares for me when I'm frustrated with my schedule.  He prepares a plan of providence when the finances aren't so awesome. He carries me and my husband when we just can't handle anymore.  He is our redeemer and our sustainer. I'm learning to turn to Him quicker on those days that aren't awesome and when I'm not awesome with them.  It's a journey, a lifelong journey.

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