Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I Am Stumped

I'm confused today by what God is up to in my life.  I've had several different moments that have come together and I don't really know what their connection is just yet.  I know God is working on something, I just can't put it together. I have had some unusual conversations with people and questions have come to mind that aren't answerable.  These are times where I stop and say, "Lord, make it clear.  Keep my focus on you and broaden my perspective."  It's amazing to me how I don't think I plan ahead, or if I do I at least think I'm close to God's will, and then when something comes along that seems directly in opposition to what I thought was going to happen, I am stumped.  I guess I do plan ahead, which I know is a direct result of my need to control things.  That is where I am.  Things are not going in the direction I thought God was moving.  I am not floundering though.  I am staying still, opening my eyes, and praying.  I am not grabbing tightly to what I thought was the end game.  Instead, I am listening carefully to the conversations I have and asking God to speak through those in my life that He normally uses to bring His wisdom to me.  I'm expecting the phone to ring...

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