Friday, March 11, 2016

Think About What You Know

I'm needing some positive things to start happening consistently.  I feel like there have been little snippets of possibility, but none of them have come to complete fruition yet.  I also have had several not so great things happen recently, and none of them have completely resolved yet.  So, I'm in this waiting game.  I am leaning heavily on God, asking him what He is up to and how He wants me to respond.  When things are in this particular stage, not good, not bad, but going, I tend to lean on what I know to be truth because it is really easy for Satan to distract me.  I almost start to panic and then I am reminded of what I know.  I know that God is working for my good.  I know that God has a plan.  I know that God's timing is perfect.  I know that I am being formed for a particular purpose.  I know that I have a massive support system in place.  I know that I am loved.  I know that I am heard. I know that I have been brought to this specific time, in the is specific place, for a specific reason.  Now to keep my Kingdom eyes open and my heart malleable for the Spirit to put me into the final preparation stage for whatever is coming.  Something is coming!

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